
Generalizations about cat people?

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I read in a back issue of Psychology Today that in a survey of 100,000 people, people who considered themselves to be enthusiastic about cats were found to have significantly lower average IQs than the general population. Is this your experience as well? What would you say to refute this?




  1. It's just plain and simple: THIS IS A DUMB QUESTION!

  2. It may just be different types of people think in different ways.  I've noticed a lot of cat people are not as aggressive and competitive as dog people.  I believe aggressive people do better on intelligence tests but that may be not be because they are inherently more intelligent it may just be because they want to win and take the tests more seriously than relaxed people.  Some really aggressive people have had ailurophobia, or a fear of cats.  Napoleon Bonaparte, Alexander the Great, Julius Caesar, Genghis Khan, Mussolini, Hitler.  

    Also, it may be due to how we view intelligence as well.  Most intelligence questions are aimed at people who primarily use the left side of the brain (math, grammar) because we can't judge the intelligence of those who primarily use the right side of the brain (writing, sculpture).  How can one tell how intelligent someone is by their art?  Many people are starting to question whether IQ tests are really accurate representations of intelligence.

  3. cat people are relaxed people that don't want to put much effort into their pets.  Their lives are calm and want calm animals around them.  I believe their IQs have nothing to do with it.  Except that maybe, real intelligent people don't have the time or tolerance for cats.  Because you cannot train them..except to potty in your home....

  4. Three members of my family adore cats, and we all have very high IQ's, for what its worth.  As someone else already said, poll takers can skew any poll to give the results that they want.

  5. Surveys are not the most scientific way  to determine that cat people are have below the average IQ. People with a point of view against a certain type of people can make a survey say what every the need it to.  

  6. I have to agree with Fallon.

    My favorite English teacher (and I'm not just saying that because he thought *I* was smart) was very into cats--and had pictures of his up in his room. He could talk about them for awhile. And he was extremely smart. And made really, really good fudge:).

  7. Anyone can consider themselves to be a "cat lover" doesn't mean they really are.. I know quite a few "cat lovers" that always have pregnant cats fed the crappiest cheapest food, who aren't willing to pay for vet care or anything else for that matter.. I'm quite sure these self-titled cat enthusiasts do have lower than average IQ's especially when they mistreat the animals they claim to love.

    Real cat people are usually quite an intelligent bunch. You know almost every great writer had a cat? Mark Twain comes to mind I doubt anyone would call him lower than average.. Point is surveys are not evidence of anything, they are just generalizations.. and like any generalization.. it doesn't apply across the board.

    Me? I love cats, always have and I've been on the honour roll at school been called "smart" by everyone my whole life.. I know more than most people who have finished high school and my IQ is above average. I had a grade 12 reading level in grade 3, by grade 7 I had a college reading level. So there you go, one cat lover at least does not fit the particular generalization addressed in your question!

    PS Cats can be trained, as any real cat person knows.. All 4 of my cats come when called and by the time I'm done with them every foster kitten I've had did too. My cats know not only their names but their nicknames as well and come to both.  

  8. I read that magazine every month, and remember that article.  People here seem to not understand have averages work, which would lend credence to what the article said.  You can know some very intelligent people who own cats, and they still have a lower average.  It just means that there are more people of lower intelligence or a few with extremely low intelligence who drag down the average.  It makes sense.  You don't see mansions full of 65 cats, it's usually shacks and apartments.  Don't expect to get an honest objective response here, where people are obviously into cats.

  9. Most of the cat people I know are smarter than dog people, to be honest.(Not saying dog people are smart!)

    Most of my English teachers have all been extremly intellectual and love cats.

  10. I really don't want to brag, but your question calls for it.  I LOVE cats and I don't have a lower than average IQ.  In fact, I was in the gifted program through school, and I went through 4 years of college with a 4.0 (that's straight A's) grade point average.  I have to wonder about the validity of what you read -- was it the results of a survey (a poll) or was it an actual scientific study?  There's a difference, you know.

  11. I would ask you for a link to your source because I rather suspect you're trying to wind us up.

    Here's a generalization that's true in at least one case - cat people aren't very gullible.

    OOH!  I just thought of a better rebuttal.


  12. Intelligent and knowledgeable people learn very early in life that you cannot believe everything you read.

  13. if thats true, it must be a coincidence bc i dont know how there could be a connection between how much a person likes cats and their IQ level. one of my best friends is definitely a "cat person". shes had several cats her whole likfe & takes care of them at the animal shelter, and shes one of the smartest people i know.

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