
Generally, are men funnier than women are?

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Is there a reason why this is so?




  1. I have known more funny guys than girls. Maybe the girls I hang out with are dull... or maybe guys really are funnier than girls. I don't know.  

  2. yeah I've found this (I'm female). I think it's a bit because guys are more outgoing, they don't care as much as girls about embarrassing themselves, "being immature" or getting in a spot of trouble once in a while. Also I think guys often better at appearing naturally funny. While lots of females I know are very witty and makes me laugh an awful lots in casual conversation, when I see girls doing stand-up it seems really forced and rehearsed (normally). Concerning professional comedians, females, it seems, talk a lot about women problems as their act - which females don't even really want to hear about never mind guys in the audience. Whereas male comedians, while often they focus on their own gender two it normally

    a) applies to females to some extent (dating in general)

    b) is very true (Hours getting ready etc)

    c) -most of all- puts down males, i.e making fun of themselves when they know it's true.

    Please someone prove me wrong - girls you're letting the side down, a decent funny female on the comedy scene asap

  3. generally, but not always.

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