
Generally, does *society feel women are more valuable in their intellect or their sexuality?

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-As would be communicated by society thru the media and other social outlets. -




  1. Value, if I'm taking your question literally, means intellect and education rule over every other consideration because they translate into earning power.  Sexual imagery sells things, so really, sexuality in the public sphere is also about money.

    There really isn't one "media" perspective.  News is gathered and communicated by men and women.  The visible media voices, the ones on TV, tend to be attractive.  If you're considering entertainment media, then that's just what sells-- beautiful men and women sell, but there are smart (sometimes s**y, sometimes not) men and women writing the copy and selling the music and movies.

    I don't live in a world shaped by pop media.  I live in a world where I'm on the ball, or my friends lose respect for me and I am not competitive in the workplace.  Being s**y helps men and women, to a certain extent, but work ethic and work quality is what gets respect and cash.  Being too s**y is unprofessional in most workplaces.  So my answer is society will "say" they value s**y women via pop media, but really value intellect in both men and women pretty much equally.

    There are certainly more female professionals who work with their minds and not their sexual image, but it is also incorrect to assume that a trophy wife, prostitute or actress is not using her mind to obtain money.  These women are very cleverly giving others what they want and obtaining material gain from it.

  2. sexuality! Its a shame but look at all the **** and *** we see all over!!

  3. sexuality definitely.  if women were valuable soley for their intellect then when they were put in a role of authority, they would be judged simply on a basis of what they are wearing.  for example aus prime minister wife Therese Rein is constantlycriticisedd for her fashion sense.  Although she runs anextremelyysuccessfullbusinesss she is still ill considered in the big scheme of things.  If women were valued for their intellect, then the whole world would be different *SIGH*

  4. why can't it be both? A Person should be valued for there whole being.

  5. I'd say intellect. Your question is so so smart. I really don't understand it. I want to say sexuality but I don't quite understand it.  

  6. definitely their sexuality. the media seems to emphasize that beauty is everything for a woman. we see it in the movies. if a lady is fat, she's unattractive but a fat guy still has a chance with the pretty girl if he has a 'great personality'.

  7. Yes ,Sexuallity  is primary,Interlect  is  Secondary.That's  ALL.

  8. Intellect, mostly

    Not looking at the media, I'd say intellect, b/c the smart girls are always getting the real men in society while the whores are getting the players, so society always looks up on intellect more so than sexuality. idk, I've always been judged by my intellect, not my sexuality

    I was looking more at my life and what people expect from me, which is intellect. My bad. Media definantly emphasizes sexuality, sadly. Real life, though, is more about the intellect. But then, luckily there are people like Pink in the media who are a positive influence.

    What about her song "Stupid Girls"?

    Okay, a lot of things in the media degrade women and only appeal to a women's sexuality such as rap music. Your right on this, I'm wrong. So, I will try to answer better... in my life, intellect is looked higher upon. In the media and in different cultures of America, sexuality is.

  9. All anyone has to do is watch a tv or pick up a magazine to see that as a society we only seem to value women for their sexuality.

    In fact I don't see much in the media at all that tells us to value women for their intellect...

    very sad, but true

  10. Well it depends what part of society you are talking about...

    If you divide our society into classes...

    The Middle and the High classes are more likely to judge on intellect.

    The Lower class is more likely to judge on sexuality.

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