
Generally, how much does supplies cost for a community college?

by Guest63814  |  earlier

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For a community college how much would supplies cost? Do they cost anything over $200, or is it less?

A rough estimate is a good enough answer.




  1. If you are having problems financially, and want to attend college, apply for a grant, and/or loan.  go to the counselor at your local community college.  He/She will give you all of the information about what the school cost, and what grants and loans are available to you.  Just don't get too deep in debt.  It is worth it to at least accept some of the grants and a small loan if needed.

    Every comm college has different rates, but if you are going to school in the state in which you live, it will be less expensive than crossing state borders to go to school.  

  2. Depends if you define books as supplies.  A single class's textbooks can exceed $200 in itself.  Other than that, you wont need much. Good old fashioned paper, pencil, pen, bounded notebooks, binders, are all good enough, probably less than $20 if you need to buy it all from scratch.  Might want to invest $20 or so into a good 3 hole puncher as they are very handy to have with all the handouts you will get, you can put them into a binder and those things last forever.  Book bag/backpack might be worth it if you need to carry your things a distance.  Tech items -- invest in a USB memory stick to carry your electronic files, not expensive at all.  Math courses will require you to get a calculator.  Don't buy one until they tell you which one to get, as non-approved models may not be allowed on exams.  Graphing calcs can be expensive ($100+) while ordinary scientific calcs are much less $10 or so.

  3. Books may cost around $200-300. Other than that, you're probably looking at $50; some notebooks, pocket folders, pens and pencils, stapler, calculator, the basics.

    However, if you're taking any sort of art class, you'll have extra costs for that.

  4. I would guess it depends on your program.  For instance, if you're in to computers, you may spend quite a bit more money buying software/hardware or even a whole computer.  

    Most schools of an estimate on their website, and I would probably take 15% off whatever they estimate, as they tend to exaggerate to make sure you plan to budget enough.

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