
Generally, what age do girls stop growing in height?

by Guest57071  |  earlier

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have a teenage daughter who's shorter than her classmates, and she really wants to grow taller. But I've heard from many people that people stop growing in height at a certain age. Generally what age does one stop growing completely (especially for females)? If you have any source for your answer, it would be more reliable and helpful than a random guess. Thanks in advance, and 10 points for best answer!




  1. 18. because at 16 I was a short m**o and I am 17 now and i am a tall chick now. :]]]  

  2. well i've heard eighteen. but my super fit and smart physical education teacher constantly tells us that girls stop growing much after they get their period.  

  3. 16 years old.

  4. Sometimes they stop after they start menstruating, but they have definitely finished growing by 18-20.

  5. A lot of people on here are saying that it can have to do with your menstrual cycle beginning... I'm not so sure about that... I can only speak from experience. I entered high school as a freshman and was 4'10".  I HATED IT! :) By my senior year I had reached 5'1".  By the time I was 21 I was 5'5" and that is what I am today at age 24.  

    So basically I was growing until I was 21... Tell her to embrace her shortness,  she'll grow up soon enough! :)

  6. Well i'm 21 and I think I finally got all of my height. I'm 5'6 now, but a few years a go I was only about 5'5. Your daughter will probably continue to grow until around 20 or so.

  7. My science teacher said 4 years after a girls period.. However my mum said 18 and I'm still growing and its been 4 years so you decide lol xx

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