
Generally Speaking....?

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Muslims are...

BACKWARD (most lack proper education)

ILLOGICAL (most are unable to accept truth & logic)

IMMORAL (most think s*x with little girls & ex-wives are great)

LIARS (most believe lying for allah is halal)

ACCUSERS (most accuse others of corruption but can't validate themselves).

DENIAL (most think terrorists are not muslims)

INFESTING (they procreate faster than those who are non-parasitic and beneficial to civilisation)

Why is Islam so?





  1. Omgosh you are such a r****d

  2. If you say so.

  3. In your own opinion, ya.

    Stop causing fitnah to the Muslims.

  4. Backward - Phelps family

    Illogical - George Bush

    Immoral- Hitler

    Liars - Tony Blair, d**k Cheney

    Accusers - Ehud Olmert

    Denial - John McCain

    Infesting - You

    All of them are Non-Muslims. Go choke on that.

  5. BACKWARD (most lack proper education)

    In poor countries this is very much the case (as in not going to School due to unavailable funds) however Islam Educates people anyway - have you tried reading the Qu'ran or learning Arabic? in my eyes you have to be pretty smart to do so. Islam teaches you to Educate YOURSELF at all times. STOP GENERALISING PEOPLE alot of people cannot afford a good Education or get one, why target Muslims? - what about all of the Muslim brothers and sisters who are DOCTORS, LAWYERS, SOCIAL WORKERS?

    ILLOGICAL (most are unable to accept truth & logic)

    The Truth and Logic that Islam teaches is the Truth and Logic Muslims accept, stop trying to force feed people your rubbish.

    IMMORAL (most think s*x with little girls & ex-wives are great)

    Yet again your Ignorance amases me, yet look at how many Non Muslims are pedophiles, rapists, sexual predators who stalk young children, women and take up a high percentage of prisons?

    LIARS (most believe lying for allah is halal)

    Lying is HARAM, God hates LIARS - where do you get this rubbish? if you are a Muslim you know Lying is a sin - how can you lie and it be good?

    ACCUSERS (most accuse others of corruption but can't validate themselves).

    No need to Validate - the ones who are true Muslims will be Validated by God on Judgment day, not by the people who are not important.

    DENIAL (most think terrorists are not muslims)

    Terrorists arent Muslims, as soon as they have the Intention to kill that is lost - they will go to h**l, as stated in the Qu'ran, no man should shed blood, if thou should fight, fight in the name of GOD (as in fight for Islam and what is true)

    INFESTING (they procreate faster than those who are non-parasitic and beneficial to civilisation) Yes i suppose that is why Countries like England and America have the highest rate of Teenage pregnancies, single mothers and swarms of kids by different fathers. Culture is Culture but in Islam you have Children, raise them in the right way, the straight way with security and a family structure.

    I find your view Ignorant and insulting to Good Muslims, i suggest you Educate yourself on the teachings of Islam, then come back with a valid argument.


  6. LOL AT U


  7. why dont you say those stuff in our faces huh?

    scared? of course!

    u must have some mental issues, and the only way to aliviate that is insulting other people, and that too online!

    You are SAD. get a life.

  8. Excuse me, what do you want to tell exactly….?.?be in your limit..huh

  9. n by saying all that u have proved it that u n ur kind r ignorant.....n u r happily living in the dark

  10. generally speaking, how do you see yourself?

  11. Answer to all of the above:  TRUE!!!!!

  12. Just saying.....

    we can careless what you think of us.......

    we look down2ppl like you.......

    Islam is one of the biggest religion in the world for a reason you idiot..........

  13. Stop being selfish! no need to interfere with anyone or anything...Idiot stupid girl selfish,,Allah will punish you infront of Isa (A.S) (Jesus) on the day of judgement.

    Listen Aze cristian are the terrorism in the world and u r the leader of them i think u will not worship to ur wrong god u  will go to h**l u r the ur husband doing like this & u r the ex wife

    IMMORAL (most think s*x with little girls & ex-wives are great)

  14. Your observations have a certain grain of truth to them, but I think they needlessly stereotype and simplify the issue.

    Most muslims are like most people:  They are fundamentally good, and are trying to do their best to be good within the framework of the culture that they understand.  Most muslims are not terrorists, they are not murderers or pedophiles, liars or thieves.  they are hard working, generous people who are just trying to get along.

    The problem is the framework in which they live.  Islam cannot tolerate diversity or freedom of thought.

    BACKWARD: most muslims Avail themselves to higher education when it available.  The problem is that the governments in Dar al-Islam recognize that a generally well-educated populace leads to apostasy, because thinking people start to question things.  Thus, in many places the only schools are madrassas, which teach Islam, but nothing that makes one employable in today's economies.

    ILLOGICAL:  Logic is a skill which must be taught and practiced.  It's not the Muslims fault that they are denied this teaching from the powers that hold them in thrall

    IMMORAL: I doubt that the rate of immorality in islam is any greater than anywhere else.  It's just that the religion tolerates certain things that the west condemns, so it's more in the open when it happens.

    LIARS:  These people have been lied to all their lives.  what do you expect?

    ACCUSERS:  Given that islam is a totalitarian political system as much as anything else, it has the same faults that any totalitarian society has.  See similar evidence in the behaviors of people in n**i Germany, Soviet Russia and revolutionary France.

    DENIAL:  People identify themselves as Muslims, without really investigating and understanding islam's roots.  They accept only what they are taught in islamic school, which sugar-coats or blatantly lies about much of the history of islam. Therefore they see the terrorists and think "They can't believe the same thing I do!"  There is a grain of truth to this, because most muslims are not very good muslims by Muhammad's definition.

    INFESTING:  It's a fact of life worldwide that if you want the birth rate of a given population to decline, you educate the women.  Since most Muslim women are denied any sort of education, it's a matter of course that these have the highest birth rate.

    We must understand these problems if we are to work against them.  It does nobody any good if we try to demonize them.

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