
Generally speaking, Republicans believe that dissent is unpatriotic. Would our founding fathers agree?

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Generally speaking, Republicans believe that dissent is unpatriotic. Would our founding fathers agree?




  1. There is this to consider which that dissent on murder of original populace did produce the same question which was whether it was Patriotic to oppose mass murder. Consider also that The Founding Fathers had their expansion after Independence and others continued this plus even today The Founding Fathers and the flag are revered.

    One on currency the other the flag. For orginal inhabitants the stars and stripes were the equivalent of The Confederate Flag would feel for slaves. This brings to mind many Founding Fathers were Slave Owners.  Another point dissent of women was not even on table so would say a mix.

  2. Specifically speaking, your generalization is incorrect.

    Edit: Since you are immediately "thumbing down" all dissenting answers who is it that doesn't appear to like dissent.

  3. Our founding fathers would horrified to learn what our leaders have done today in the name of the Constitution.  


    They had this thing they writ called the declaration of independance saying something the violent overthrow of an oppressive gov

    Seems we be there again

  5. No, they would not agree.  They were smart enough to have realized that your "generally speaking" accusation is just another of your lies.

  6. Since they founded this country on dissent from the ruling party I think they would not agree.  

  7. No they wouldn't this Country was founded on Dissent

  8. Republicans tolerate people who disagree with them.  Liberals do not.

  9. Its the liberals who quash dissent not republicans Check your facts

  10. That is not true. Everyone is entitled to their opinions. Open discussion is always a good thing. However, you must always remember one thing:

    The Right is always right and the Left is always Wrong.

    Any more questions?

  11. I wouldn't demonize all Republicans, but the current neo-con spinster lobbyist cronies that call themselves civil servants in the White House and Congress, and their media drones -especially Fox News, fit that description perfectly.  The precedent is evident all throughout history, and we see it in countries like Russia today, dissent is quashed to preserve the sanctity of deceitful, self serving, propagandist governance.  

  12. Generally speaking, your statement re: dissent is incorrect.  

  13. "That we are to stand by the President right or wrong is not only unpatriotic and servile, but is morally treasonable to the American public."

         -- Theodore Roosevelt

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