
Genetic Engineering?

by Guest63158  |  earlier

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What is it called when a breeder selects organisms with certain qualities in the hope that the offspring will inherit those qualities?

I think it is genetic engineering but i'm not sure




  1. Genetic engineering, recombinant DNA technology, genetic modification/manipulation (GM) and gene splicing are terms that apply to the direct manipulation of an organism's genes.[1]Genetic Engineering is different from traditional breeding, where the organism's genes are manipulated indirectly; genetic engineering uses the techniques of molecular cloning and transformation to alter the structure and characteristics of genes directly. Genetic engineering techniques have found some successes in numerous applications. Some examples are in improving crop technology, the manufacture of synthetic human insulin through the use of modified bacteria, the manufacture of erythropoietin in Chinese hamster ovary cells, and the production of new types of experimental mice such as the oncomouse (cancer mouse) for research.

    Since a protein sequence is specified by a segment of DNA called a gene, novel versions of that protein can be produced by changing the DNA sequence of the gene.

    There are several ways through which genetic engineering is accomplished. Essentially, the process has five main steps:

    Isolation of the genes of interest

    Insertion of the genes into a transfer vector

    transfer of vector to the organism to be modified

    Transformation of cells of organism

    Separation of the genetically modified organism (GMO) from those that have not been successfully modified


    Selective breeding in domesticated animals is the process of a breeder developing a cultivated breed over time, and selecting qualities within individuals of the breed that will be best to pass on to the next generation. The term is synonymous with "Artificial selection". Breeding techniques such as inbreeding, linebreeding and outcrossing are utilized by breeders in the maintenance and improvement of their chosen breeds.

    Charles Darwin discussed how selective breeding had been successful in producing change over time in his book, Origin of Species. The first chapter of the book discusses selective breeding and domestication of such animals as pigeons, dogs and cattle. Selective breeding was used by Darwin as a springboard to introduce the theory of natural selection, and to support it.[1]

    Breeding stock" is a term used to describe a group of animals used for purpose of planned breeding. When individuals are looking to breed animals, they look for certain valuable traits in purebred stock for a certain purpose, or may intend to use some type of crossbreeding to produce a new type of stock with different, and presumably superior abilities in a given area of endeavor.

    For example, to breed chickens, a typical breeder intends to receive eggs, meat, and new, young birds for further reproduction. Thus the breeder has to study different breeds and types of chickens and analyze what can be expected from a certain set of characteristics before he or she starts breeding them. Accordingly, when purchasing initial breeding stock, the breeder seeks a group of birds that will most closely fit the purpose intended.

    Purebred breeding

    See also: Purebred

    Mating animals of the same breed for maintaining such breed is referred to as purebred breeding. Opposite to the practice of mating animals of different breeds, purebred breeding aims to establish and maintain stable traits, that animals will pass to the next generation. By "breeding the best to the best," employing a certain degree of inbreeding, considerable culling, and selection for "superior" qualities, one could develop a bloodline or "breed" superior in certain respects to the original base stock.

    Such animals can be recorded with a breed registry, the organisation that maintains pedigrees and/or stud books.

    The observable phenomenon of hybrid vigor stands in contrast to the notion of breed purity. However, on the other hand, indiscriminate breeding of crossbred or hybrid animals may also result in degradation of quality.[citation needed]

    [edit] Backyard breeding

    The term backyard breeder is a general term, sometimes considered derogatory, used in USA to describe people who breed animals without selection for important genetic traits. Usually describes those who allow animals, particularly dogs or horses, to procreate regardless of physical or genetic health as opposed to breeders who intentionally screen and select their brood for important characteristics.

  2. It is called plant breeding or selective breeding and has been carried out for years, (or animal breeding in the case of animals.) Genetic engineering involves working directly at the chromosome level. It can involve removing a small section of a chromosome and /or adding a section to change the genetic makeup of the plant or animals. It involves having a knowledge of where the genes are located on the chromosomes are located, or chromosome mapping.

    The controversy Genetically Modified Organisms are a form of genetic engineering that involves adding a small segment of chromosome into a plant or animal that originates from an unrelated species.

  3. Selective breeding

  4. Cross breeding

  5. It's called artificial selection.

    I remember it because it's just a person selecting what breeds instead of nature. When nature selects what breeds, it's called NATURAL selection instead of artificial.

    Genetic engineering is when you actually change the genes of an organism yourself.

  6. Selecting a parent to get its characteristics is selective breeding at its most rudimentary level.

    When one establishes in advance how this characteristic is inherited , one has made the next step. For example if you wanted curly hair and chose a female with curly hair not knowing that only males carry that gene you have wasted a generation. If you did not know that the characteristic is recessive, you might give up on discovering that the offspring did not display that characteristic.

    It is in knowing these characteristics of inheritance that some people get the impression that this is genetic engineering. But no, we reserve that term for gene splicing, inserting parts of the genetic make-up of one species into the DNA of another.

    It is not even genetic engineering if we check the DNA of an individual to confirm this sperm has the right stuff. But it is getting closer.

  7. There are terms like mass selection, individual selection, screening for characters, hybridisation, test cross, F1,F2 screening, etc in plant breeding. But Genetic engineering is not breeding. It is engineering the DNA. ie. Recombinant DNA technique, splicing and slicing the DNA or RNA to engineer something. Merely selecting something for qualities may be simply termed as Selection.
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