
Genetic Modification of Dairy Cows?

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Im doing an assignment on genetic modification and I want to know the different ways people genetically modify Dairy Cows.

I have 2 known ways at the moment:

1) Transgenic Dairy Calves

2) Use of BGH (please confirm, im not sure about this)

Please respond with any other methods

Thank you in advance




  1. there are a few different ways to gentically modify dairy cows. being a dairy farmer my self most of the time we use selective breeding and artificial insemination. we find that these work the best because we can research the bull we want to use find his strengths and weaknesses then pair him up with a cow that is weak in his strengths and strong in his weaknesses and it all balances out. Transgenic Calves are also another way although we have never used it. BGH is not really a way to modify the DNA of a calf it is a growth hormone that affects how fast they grow how much weight they gain and that sort of thing it doesn't improve their gentics.

    hope i helped!!! need more info let me know i'll glady research it for you and then I can also use the info for my own farming operation.

  2. To genetically modify (this is usually considered an improvement) dairy cattle would be through artificial insemination.  You may choose from hundreds of different dairy bulls for the specific breed that you are working with on your farm.  Bull s***n purchased from studs will have various levels of sire proofs from records taken of the daughters of the various bulls.  The records are compiled and the proofs are published by the USDA for the breeders use.  Artificial insemination is by far the best way to bring specific desired traits into a herd from some of the best bulls in the world at a very reasonable cost.  Artificial insemination is used extensively by breeders around the world for general commercial herd use and for embryo transfer work on cattle with high quality genetics.

    BGH or rBST is a supplemental product utilized for increasing milk production in dairy cattle.  This product does not change the genetic ability of an animal, it only enhances the animals ability to produce more milk dependent upon the management practices of that particular herd of cattle.

    Another process for genetic modification is the cloning of animals.  This process is still very expensive and with limited results at this time for commercial use on the farm.

  3. Proper breeding with the right stock is the only answer

  4. BGH is illegal nobody uses it

  5. Transgenic technology is one way, the other would be selective breeding.

    Treatment with BGH (bovine growth hormone?) is not a genetic treatment it is steroidal and affects the cow's growth, but does not change the cow's DNA.

  6. cloning is another genetic modification of cows

    it's rBGH, and because it is recombinant it is a GMO. You could also add the feeding of GMO grains to dairy cattle

  7. BGH (bovine growth hormone) stimulates milk production in cows.  I don't believe it is illegal to use as it is something that Monsanto produces but it does get a lot of negative attention.

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