
Genetically modified crops are to be grown here in The UK within two years. Do people want this?

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The article is in todays Daily Mail. We are going to have GM crops grown here whether we like it or not. Will we fight against it? Time to write to our MP's? Join Greenpeace?




  1. I'm not really that bothered either way.  If it produces more food to feel the starving I'm all for it.  GM does have benefits but for some reason the media is playing on the fears of it all.

  2. Thepowers that be have ridden rugh shod over the people of this country for long enough.  It is quite clear that people do not want genetically modified food and it is crazy to start growing the stuff here - we have no way of stopping cross contamination.  But remeber that Blair will be out soon and really it is one of his babies.

  3. Crops have been genetically modified for hundreds of years.

    Don't think of it any differently than taking the best plants and breeding them with the best plants to get bigger, tastier fruits and vegetables.

    Grapes have been modified like this for centuries to make different wines.

    Most of the current 'alterations' are so that the plants can be pesticide free, produce heartier fruit and grow better in the climate at hand.

    Stop watching so many science fiction movies.

  4. Following the destruction caused by the former Monsanto product DDT, Rachel Carson wrote an indictment of its effects entitled 'Silent Spring'.

    This same company is the market leader in GM agricultural products and may be set to bring us 'Mutant Millennium'.

  5. did you know that over 10000000 acres of gm food is grown within the European farming community  UK included, and that corn is modified with FROG GENES to make a stronger plant.

  6. Nobody wants that except the companies that make money with it.

    If you are a man, fight against it. Blair does not.

  7. yees but gm isnt all that bad news it can have its advantages too!!! ^_^

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