
Genetically modified food essay HELP!

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Genetically modified food

can anyone help me on how to start an essay on gmo?

has any1 ever written an essay on gmo and can send it to me so i can use it as a base?

i really need your help!





  1. I agree, weighing the pros and cons is probably the best way to go. We debated this issue extensively in my class on food issues in Africa, so here are some of the biggest issues

    Pros: These are pretty obvious, you can just do some basic research for this. The plants are just better- more fruitful, more drought and disease resistant (which is extremely helpful in poorer areas of the world), easier to cultivate... And from a purely scientific point of view, there aren't that many dangers when it's done properly, we've been eating this stuff for years and the problems are pretty few and far between

    Cons: These are more subtle and may take more time to appear, but there are some real problems (personally I'm against it). Above all, the scientists who defend this so adamantly have a limited perspective. Just because it's *scientifically* safe on a molecular level doesn't mean it's *environmentally*, socially or economically safe on a large scale. Plants don't exist in a vaccum, they're part of a vast wider network of influences that genetic engineers often don't consider (ecological, financial, etc, etc etc.). GE dabbles in wider forces too great to control, and it may take time for these problems to appear.

    Plus disasters can still happen. There was a kind of corn (starlink?) that certain people became seriously allergic to because of a new gene. Even if the mistakes have been fairly few, it shows how little we really understand what we're doing. Look it up, I think it was called starlink

  2. Stop cheating and read a few books.

  3. that's an easy one.  it would help if you would put if you are for it or against it.

    either way:

    for it:  they have increased disease resistance, increased pest resistance, larger yields, more vigorous growth

    against it:  people are scared of anyone controlling nature, afraid to eat them thinking they will turn into some sort of mutant monster, they are probably expensive to make

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