
Genetics, race, and traits?

by  |  earlier

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Genetic varaition throughout the genome is responsible for variation in many traits. It is reasonable to assume that there is some genetic basis for intellegence, height, strength, impuslivity, etc. There are also genetic variations between peoples of different ethnic backgrounds which arise through either natural selection, genetic drift, or other random processes. Isn't it then at least feasible that there will be genetic differences between races with respect to average intellegence. Of course there may be huge overlap in the quanititative trait between different groups but on average one group can have a higher mean intellegence than the other. Of course environment would also play a large role.




  1. It would seem that you already know the answer.(yes)

    as for the classification aspect these things are hard to pin down to just one are two things but let us say there is a drift towards this direction.(pun intended)

    be careful eugenics is not so popular anymore.

    there is no such thing as an impartial observer

  2. sorry i think its debatable i was brought up within a white family not knowing i wasn't completely white but by the time i was 6 i was different from all my relatives having not been brought up by my father never saw hI'm but im like him and as clever as members of his family sometimes genetics comes bkto bite us!

  3. I think the simple answer is...yes.  But I don't think it is as clear cut as you are making it.  I think that it is more reasonable to assume that there are different intelligence classes that are not dependent on other physical attributes.  You present a valid point in that different parts of the world have people that have had enough gentic isolation to develop "races" that look physically different, but i submit that physical "race" is merely a genetic adaptation toward surviving that particular element of the environment.

    It is much more likely in my mind that within each "race" there is the same amount of intelectual diversity as there is between races.  You are trying to equate physical environmentally stimulated genetic variations with other characteristics (intelligence) that are NOT affected by the physical environment.

    Interesting question.

  4. I believe environment plays THE main role and that all races are of equal intelligence.

  5. Garr, genealogy and genetics are not the same thing at all. Genetics is a study of genes.  Genealogy is tracing ancestry with records and documentation.

    There will be some people on the Home Screen on Yahoo Answers that will come up with a response, but you might get better answers if you go back to the Home Screen, go under Science and Mathematics on the left side of the screen and then go under the subcategory Biology.

    The only time the regulars on this board get involved in genetics questions are questions regarding genealogy DNA projects and studies.

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