
Genius And Gifted Child are they the same?

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Genius And Gifted Child are they the same?




  1. totally different. Well, they  both belong to the intellegent catergory, but Geniuses are naturally inspired while Gifted Children have to work for results.

  2. No a gifted child is a child that is a little above average and a genius is way above average.

  3. no

  4. i think they are the same

  5. A gifted child could be for example diagnosed as being in the autistic spectrum. If they excel in a certain area that's not necessarily have  to be academic, they are still gifted. We hear of gifted children usually as those who attain high education standards but it is not fixed in stone. A Genius is someone who shows a natural provable outstanding Brain function.

  6. everyone is gifted in their own special way, but not all of us are smart! :-)

  7. No.As Thomas Edison said, there is no such thing as genius. Gifted is really a developmental thing where a person's intelligence is above their years but their emotional and social capabilities are at their age level or lower. For example, a 5 year old gifted child may have an intelligence of 9, a social age of 3 and an emotional age of 4, which makes it difficult to deal with  year old ideas, so gifted people, especially kids, need a lot of support.

  8. Hopefully some day the connection will be made If  this theory holds water? From the old  working autism of time gone by.

    If Autism is indeed the building blocks of the human mind we have discovered that it is both MR/DD and Einstein in one package. I know MR/DD and Einstein are generally never connected in a good sense but, many people in our old Autism Anthropology (not admitted to yet) were like me once considered dumb as a sack of rocks in many respects but once we finally figured out the thoughts of Rain Man (savants) and LEARNED TO WATER DOWN OUR TOUGHTS, we presented a lot different.  

    If our autism theory is ever discovered I predict that psychology will finally see what really works mentally and suddenly they will see for themselves what we have figured out and will be able to add 1000s of pages to the psychology books.  There seems to be a definite relationship between the Village idiot a Savant and Einstein and perhaps just a few missing picture thoughts are all that is needed to make one the other?    

    Rich Shull Inventor of The Turing Motor an artistically designed Green 70 % efficient Car motor ,named for Autistic Hero Father of computer Alan Turing (1912-1954)

  9. Genius means smart. Gifted means talented.

  10. All geniuses are gifted, but not all gifted children are geniuses. Now if you are talking about the legal definition of gifted, some genius children may not be selected because of a lack of interest in school.

    Here is the legal definition for gifted:

    "The term “gifted and talented” when used in respect to students, children, or youth means students, children, or youth who give evidence of high performance capability in areas such as intellectual, creative, artistic, or leadership capacity, or in specific academic fields, and who require services or activities not ordinarily provided by the school in order to fully develop such capabilities."

  11. no...

  12. not really..cuz i'm gifted-acording to school   but i am definitely not a genius..i think a genius is more like when you are super super smart from like when you are born

  13. Nah. I think they are on different IQ levels. Gifted is smarter than the average joe. Genius would be the top percentile of gifted peeps. I was gifted for instance. So were all my gifted classmates. I don't think any of us were geniuses.

  14. Gifted Children have an IQ of 130 and Genius is an IQ of 150.

  15. The two terms don't actually mean the same thing. Genius is someone who has an IQ which is very high. Gifted is someone who has a particular talent for a specific subject. When schools use phrases such as gifted and talented they do mean the same thing.

  16. I think they are different terms for the same thing...could be of my girls has a genius IQ and is considered a gifted child...dont think she go that from my side of the


  17. No they aren't....

    and a hundred people will answer telling you how gifted they are or how if you were one or the other you wouldn't need to ask.  Maybe they don't understand your motivation and maybe they're just suffering from an inferiority complex.

    Genius children usually make more money

    Gifted children usually have more fame.

    Big difference, huh?

    Good luck

  18. Actually, psychologists and education professionals don't use the term "genius."  Among the general population, it's just a word you say when you're impressed with how smart a person is.  

    Psychologists may use the term "gifted" when talking about a person who has extraordinary potential for intellectual achievement.  But here too, the word is not defined very specifically, and criteria for inclusion in that category vary.  Personally, I hear people talking about "giftedness" mostly when discussing school programs designed to offer enriched education to those at the higher end of the IQ curve.

    Contrary to popular opinion, there  is no such thing as "genius-level IQ."  We use far more boring words, like "99th percentile" and "two standard deviations above the mean."  The Wechsler IQ scales also have categories such as "high average" and "superior."

  19. If you were either you'd know!!

    Seriously folks... they can be the same but they can be different. A child might have a gift for music for example but not have enough sense to come in out of the rain.

  20. I would say no.  I usually think of Genius children are a Jack of all trades smart.  I always thought "gifted" children were just very clever in one area...such as math...or music.

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