
Genius~ Asperger Syndrome?

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I have Asperger i thought i disvantage in most cases but when i read an article about Autism spectrum disorder. It said that many Genius minded indivduals have this diagnosis, is this true? or are they just trying to incourage us and if so why? Did Albert Eistein have this?




  1. Based on my experience working with many people with Asperger Syndrome - most people have certain parts of their brain that are much more advanced than average people. So even if some things are difficult for you, you will excel in other areas far beyond most people. This can lead people to say they are a "genius". Here is a list of people that some claim have or had Asperger's, but this is just conjecture.

    Albert Einstein

    Alan Turing

    Al Gore

    Andy Kaufman

    Andy Warhol

    Bill Gates

    Bob Dylan

    Carl Jung

    Hans Asperger

    Henry Ford

    Isaac Asimov

    Isaac Newton

    Jane Austen

    Mark Twain

    Michael Jackson

    Michael Palin

    Mozart (maybe ADHD instead)

    Nikola Tesla

    Thomas Jefferson

    Vincent Van Gogh

    Woody Allen

  2. My son has aspergers also & an IQ of 135 (that's with big gaps in his learning skills, so its actually probably higher). Aspergers can be an advantage & a disadvantage. Really its just a difference & we are all different.

    Now, as to the list of people they believe had aspergers, they don't really know for sure they did... but think about what the people on the list did, what they were like, how people describe them. I think for sure Einstein & Edison (after reading about their lives) would have been diagnosed with it.

    The fact is, people who are geniuses think about things differently than most people Sounds a little like aspergers, hunh?

  3. Yes, it's true, and yes, Einstein had Asperger's.

    You just have to literally learn how to deal with people that's all.

  4. Actually Yes, but not all.  I don't know how but a lot of Autistic people seem to disadvantage a  lot but excel much in other things. My cousin has an Autism but can do insanely well with computers and video games. There are some Autistic people who are called "Savants", which have an awesome memory in things and math. There was a Savant who memorized thousands of numbers in Pi.

    I don't know if Einstein had it (but I think he did because he was slow in learning at his younger years) but I'm sure that many Autistic people can be genius minded. It's not encouragement, it's true.

  5. NOTE: Also included are famous people for whom there is a lot of speculation that they have or had Aspergers Syndrome, but who may not have (or have had) Aspergers at all.


    Albert Einstein provided the theory of relativity and was awarded the Nobel Prize in Physics for the work he did with photoelectric effect.  Characteristics, which may indicate that Einstein was a fellow Aspie:  Einstein could not speak fluently at the age of nine (Botham, 2006, p. 16), language delays are common in children with high functioning autism.  His parents suspected that he might actually be mentally retarded (Botham, 2006, p. 16).

    Often, children with Autism are labeled Mentally Retarded or Behaviorally Disordered.  At the ceremony of induction as an American, Einstein attended without socks (Botham, 2006, p. 16).  Children and adults with autism and Asperger’s Syndrome often have peculiar habits, extreme sensitivity to textures (Attwood, 2006, p. 3), and are often rated “high” on scales measuring atypicality, demonstrating odd behaviors, and seemingly lost in their own little world (Fattig, 2007).    Frequently, children with Asperger’s struggle with finding socks that “feel right” or with a line at the toe that doesn’t not bother them.

    Isaac Newton dropped out of school as a teenager (Botham, 2006, p. 15).  A person with Asperger’s may not be able to accept rules in school if they appear illogical, pursuing a point or argument “as a matter of principle,” which can lead “to a significant conflict with teachers and school authorities,” (Attwood, 2006, p. 11).

    Benjamin Franklin was considered to be one of the most important of the founding fathers of our country.  He was a theorist, author, politician, scientist, activist, and diplomat.  His scientific contributions included physics, discovery of electricity, and theories regarding electricity (Wikipedia, 2007).  He was also the first head of the post office.  Indicating the potential need for rigid rule and order, with sorting tendencies.  ÃƒÂ¢Ã‚€ÂœBenjamin Franklin’s peers did not give him the assignment of writing the Declaration of Independence because they feared that he would conceal a joke in it,” (Botham, 2006, pp. 17-18).  Aspies are notorious for an extreme or different sense of humor.


    Napoleon Bonaparte was reportedly afraid of cats, favored mathematicians or physical scientists, and tended to exclude humanists from his inner circle.  He believed humanists were troublemakers.  He also required his servants to wear his boots, breaking them in for him, before he would wear them (Botham, 2006, p. 17).  Napoleon may have exhibited a social deficit, leaning towards others with similar intellectual and personality traits.  He may have been preoccupied with perseverative or unfounded fears, with a hypersensitivity to textures on his feet or person.  

    George Washington, the first president of the United States of America.  Aspie signs:  George grew marijuana in his own garden (Botham, 2006, p. 2).  Many adults with undiagnosed or misdiagnosed Asperger’s Syndrome or Attention Deficit Disorder, self medicate in order to “soothe their restless brains and bodies,” (Richardson, 1998, p. 1).  He was extremely terrified of being buried alive, therefore, he dictated that he be “laid out for three days just to be sure he was dead,” (Botham, 2006, p. 2).  Perseverative fears and bizarre adherence to seemingly ineffectual rules or rituals are common in people with Asperger’s Syndrome and autism.  People on the Aspie team, perceive or think about the world differently than others (Attwood, 2006, p. 2).  George reportedly had to borrow money, in order to attend his own inauguration ceremonies (Botham, 2006, p. 2).  Difficulties with money management, pack rack tendencies, and/or impulsively giving possessions away are common traits in the Aspie race (Fattig, 2007).  

    John Quincy Adams, also a president of the country, owned and kept a pet alligator in the East Room of the White House (Botham, 2006, p. 3).  Again, atypicality is a common thread for our people (Fattig, 2007).  He reportedly took his “last skinny dip in the Potomac on his seventy-ninth birthday,” (Botham, 2006, p. 3).  No further comment needed.

    Andrew Jackson maintained the belief that the world was flat (Botham, 2006, p. 3), indicating rigid concrete thinking, without the ability to see another’s perspective (Attwood, 2006, p. 2).  May be he, too, was on our team?

    Andrew Johnson taught himself tailoring, and made his own clothes and clothes for those in his cabinet (Botham, 2006, p. 3).  Tailoring may have been a means of self-medicating the “gut wrenching feelings that accompany ADHD,” (Richardson, 1998) and Asperger’s Syndrome.  Often, people with Asperger’s, like people with true ADHD, feel nervous or fidgety inside and cope through leg bouncing, gum chewing, crafting, knitting, steepling their fingers, knuckle popping and other behaviors (Garnett & Attwood, 1995).

    Abraham Lincoln had a nervous breakdown, and before his election to the presidency in 1860, he lost eight other elections (Botham, 2006, p. 4).  Asperger’s is often first misdiagnosed as depression, anxiety, bipolar, or a breakdown and running repeatedly for office may be indicative of perseveration, ritualistic need for routine even when it doesn’t appear to be working, and rigidity (Fattig, 2007).   Also, Lincoln’s mother reportedly died after drinking milk from the family cow, after it ate poisonous mushrooms (Botham, 2006, p. 4).  Not a sign or characteristic of Asperger’s, but weird nonetheless.

    James Garfield was able to write in Latin with one hand, and in Greek with the other hand…at the same time (Botham, 2006, p. 4).  Evidence of savant skills?

    After being shot, Teddy Roosevelt refused to accept medical assistance, until after completing a speech he was delivering (Botham, 2006, p. 4).  Rigidity of rule and routine,  with a touch of obsessive-compulsive behaviors?  He also wrote 37 books (Botham, 2006, p. 4).  Repetitive, stereotypical behaviors with perseverative tendencies perhaps?

    William Taft got stuck in his bathtub on the day of his Inauguration, and “had to be pried out by his attendants,” (Botham, 2006, p. 5).  Eating disorders are often a part of Asperger’s Syndrome and autism.  Hyper reactivity to gustatory, olfactory, or textural can lead to under eating, refusal to eat all but just one or two foods, or malnourishment.  Hypo reactivity to gustatory or vestibular, can lead to bored eating, compensatory eating, comfort eating, and obesity.  ÃƒÂ¢Ã‚€ÂœUnfortunately, professionals as well as concerned family members and friends mistakenly blame parents of children with autism spectrum disorders for their child’s poor eating habits. Sometimes parents’ concerns are ignored and they are told not to worry since most children go through stages of picky eating and food fads,” (Wheeler, 2004, p. 1).

    Harry Truman’s middle name remained just an S, because “his parents could not decide between two different names beginning with S,” (Botham, 2006, p. 6).  Although not technically associating characteristics to Harry himself, parents of children with Asperger’s frequently exhibit characteristics as well.  The core characteristics of Asperger’s Syndrome include limited or restricted social awareness and understanding; difficulty or inability to maintain reciprocity or give and take conversationally; and intense or restricted interest in a subject (Attwood, 2006, p. 2).  

    Royalty with Asperger’s Characteristics

    Louis IV, who was the kind of France, reportedly had a stomach that was twice the size of a normal stomach, and he only bathed one time a year (Botham, 2006, p. 10).  Hygiene issues and failure to acknowledge or dress in trendy fashions can be notoriously difficult for people with Asperger’s, especially those with extremely high IQ’s and a hyper reactive olfactory response.  Soaps and perfumes can be overwhelming to their olfactory system.

    “Catherine the Great relaxed by being tickled,” (Botham, 2006, p. 10) which could be a result of the characteristic sensation seeking of light to moderate touch, of those Apies with Hypo reactivity to touch or proprioceptive feedback.

    Reportedly, Cleopatra and other female Egyptian rulers wore a fake beard (Botham, 2006, p. 11).  In our brains, neurons are the transmitters for perception, thoughts, feelings, and emotions.  Research has demonstrated “massive neurological effects” hormones can have on females during the different stages of life and maturation (Brizendine, 2006, p. 3).

    Females are considered to be superior in empathy skills and males are traditionally found to be superior systemizers.  If a woman with autism is better at systemizing, with extreme attention to detail, and less compelled to demonstrate typically ‘female characteristics’ in relationships (e.g., valuing altruistic, reciprocal relationships, cooperative engagement, strong friendship bonds, nurturing, and smoothing or resisting conflict); but rather favors task specific activities, aggression, solitary activities, or other “male characteristic” behaviors, (Baron-Cohen, 2002, p. 2), she may become ostracized, envied, or socially isolated.  This emotional “maleness” may lead to relational conflicts and a lack of intimate relationships, gender confusion, wanting to dress like the opposite s*x, or become the opposite s*x.  

    Peter the Great reportedly killed his wife’s lover, and then “forced her to keep her lover’s head in a jar of alcohol in her bedroom,” (Botham, 2006, p. 11).  Excessive and unpredictable moods, irrational outbursts, or tantrums are not uncommon in people on the spectrum.  

    Wilhem II reportedly had a withered arm, that he often hid by posing with it resting on a sword or holding a glove (Botham, 2006, p. 11).  People with Asperger

  6. Yes, Albert Einstein had it, he wasn't diagnosed when alive, but if you read stuff he wrote it becomes obvious that he was aspie, he needed time alone and would get lost in his thoughts for hours.  Aspies aren't really smarter than NTs, it's just that we spend more time thinking than NTs do.   There are dumb aspies just like there are genius NTs.

    By the way Bill Gates has it too, and John Carmack, and Nikola Tesla.

  7. I think we need to be more careful with this kind of thing.  What happens is people look at the DSM-IV (the manual used by psychologists and psychiatrists) and say, yep, I bet this person met the criteria, but the people who say this stuff don't really know about the day to day lives of these folks, only the mythology of them.  These diagnoses are to be given after thorough evaluations, not through anecdotal stories.  We are too quick to sqeeze people into a box, in my opinion.

      The only famous person I know who for sure has Asperger's is Dan Akroyd, as he's written a book about having the syndrome.

  8. Some did. Einstein, Newton, Asimov, Edison. Einstein had it because they ave studied his brain.

    Not all indivuals with Aspergers are geniuses and not all geniuses are Aspergers. I know a person with Aspergers who is border line mentally retarded. I know another who is really gifted and has a photographic memory.

    I think it is like the general public. Some are geniuses and some aren't. Some autistic people are savants and some aren't-I aren't LOL

    I think they don't want people with ASD to use it as an excuse and realize peopel with Aspergers can go on to do amazing things.

    I go to a school for people with ASD diagnosis and we have some of their pictures hanging in my classroom. Einstein, Bill Gates, DaVinci, Edison, Emily Dickonson and some people who are savants. I think it encourages us.

  9. Aspergers is not a gift, it is a curse.  Its recognized as a disability.  I have it and it gets very frustrating to be an expert in my field and still be unable to get a job because I don't have the social skills to get past a job interview.

    To answer the question, its pretty much mandatory that an aspie have an above average IQ.  I'm not sure how high it has to be in order to be considered a genius, but I've known other aspies that have 160 IQ's.  By that standard, I guess I'm one of the dumb ones.  My IQ is above average, but its not 160.

    So if you have aspergers, then you can expect to do well academically, but very poorly socially.  Just remember that for an aspie, a friend is like gold.  Very rare.  Do whatever you can to keep them.

  10. Yes it is true because autism is a gift I also have Asperger's and I made a video about it:

  11. People with Asperger's Syndrome are more likely to be genius. Someone diagnosed with AS won the Nobel Prize. And Einstein died before it was an official diagnosis but he had a lot of the symptoms of Aspergers.

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