
Genocides in South Africa?

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People always talk about the Afrikaner deaths in the concentration camps but I have noticed that other arguably more systematic and deliberate genocides in South African history are forgotten... how come?

"As the European colonists continued to press into Bushmen territory, they came in contact with them. The farmers' cattle and sheep, guarded only by Khoikhoi herdsman, were very tempting for the Bushmen to steal. Reprisals followed, and the situation became so tense that the total extermination of the Bushmen appeared to the government as the only safe way to proceed. War bands, known as "commandos" set out to exterminate the Bushmen. Within a period of six years the commandos allegedly killed or captured upwards of 3,000 Bushmen. Out of the organisation of these commandos, with their field commandants and field-cornets, grew the system of local government in the Dutch-settled districts of South Africa"




  1. Rhodesia and SA were built on the blood and bones of the indigenous people. But GB cannot claim any moral grounds because it started it all.

  2. I was not aware these genocides were ever forgotten, all you ever hear about are the atrocities committed against black people. You have not lived in SA for quit some time have you?

  3. We are living in a new FREE South Africa,  why keep digging up the past...

    I hate the genocide that has been going on in my beautiful country, I really wish that I would end. But just look at the rest of Africa.  There are so many wars going on and people killing each other over idiotic things.  

    I think we need to pray for our beautiful continent, instead of digging up the past the whole time.

    Just my opinion.

  4. So true emjay.  People especially the afrikaners tend to think only of themselves.  I guess its got something to do with the voortrekkers making promises to God on 16 DEC.  People tend to forget that innocent little black children were beaten because they wanted to learn.  They tend to forget about black people being beaten by AWB members for walking the streets at night.  

    South africans should come to realize that this country belongs to each and everyone who is BORN here whether you're afrikaans, english, zulu, xhosa, german, chinese whatever makes no difference.  And everybody thats born here has a right to be heard and acounted for and that each and every one here serves a purpose.  Whether it be big or small. God gaves us to this country and we need to respect one another and care for one another.  If all south africans can stand together south africa will be a promised land!!!!!!

  5. Thanks Emjay, I am speaking of the Bushmen, they are my kind of people.  I feel deep sympathy for them and want to join their spirits.  

    BTW I gave you a Star for a very interesting question.


    Even to this day I can still count to six in their language.  Behind glass on a 4 X 1.3 meter wall in my museum hangs their (1950s) hunting weapons, bead work and various skin garments.  In a locked glass cabinet are their 6,000 year old stone tools. . .Choppers, shaft scrappers, skin scrappers, notchers and hand grinding stones.

    When I pass on to the next plane my ashes will be scattered on the ancient site where the tools came from.  The tools will also be returned to the 6,000 year old resting place.

  6. It was hundreds of years ago, who cares about it anymore. Do remember times were different then, If they had not killed all the bushmen, the Bushmen would have killed them or stolen there Cattle and they would have died from lack of food.

    It is only right that the civilized reform the savage.

    And anyway, what is 3000 deaths in 6 years, nowadays 12 times as many are killed in South Africa every year.

  7. because we're too busy with "election 2008"

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