People always talk about the Afrikaner deaths in the concentration camps but I have noticed that other arguably more systematic and deliberate genocides in South African history are forgotten... how come?
"As the European colonists continued to press into Bushmen territory, they came in contact with them. The farmers' cattle and sheep, guarded only by Khoikhoi herdsman, were very tempting for the Bushmen to steal. Reprisals followed, and the situation became so tense that the total extermination of the Bushmen appeared to the government as the only safe way to proceed. War bands, known as "commandos" set out to exterminate the Bushmen. Within a period of six years the commandos allegedly killed or captured upwards of 3,000 Bushmen. Out of the organisation of these commandos, with their field commandants and field-cornets, grew the system of local government in the Dutch-settled districts of South Africa"