
Gense reunited? Its saying my cousin is me? how can I change it?

by  |  earlier

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On my family tree its showing my cousins girlfriend as me, its showing I have hot matches with myself, and click to e-mail myself!

how do I change this




  1. You need to go into the tree and edit the entries, or delete and then re-enter.  Hope it had nothing to do with your spelling, I'm not being bad really.  Just think, you might end up being your own Grandma!!!!

  2. Many moons ago I exported my GR tree to my computer hard drive once and lost nearly all the data I had put in - marriages disappeared and so did several people and it managed to knock myself off number 1 position of the tree in favour of a cousin so everytime I started my work it went to his details instead of mine - if I was to reload my tree to GR as it is at the moment, I'd probably have the same problem as you (it would think I am my cousin as he is now the No1 person and I haven't been able to change it back)  which is why I haven't bothered with the upload or export tools since.  Two years on I'm still trying to fix all the info that went ******** on me and re-enter the info.  GR didn't want to know about losing half my data, though they did stop tree exports for a while until they issued a fix to the software after several other people reported issues as well.  Nice to know that our complaints worked and the system is still as good as it ever was!

    Try making sure that you are still person #1 in your tree file.  I'm willing to bet you're not.  If you can move yourself back to top spot somehow and re-upload to GR, you should be alright.  Don't ask me how you do that though!  Some kind of bug in their software still I guess.  You should export/import as little as possible or it will just get corrupted again.  Try exporting it as a different filetype.  My program offers several choices - the default is FTW, but try changing it to a basic Gedcom (GED) file instead.  GRs software might handle it better in a different file format.

  3. Leanne, whose file is it posted? If it is your own file, then surely it allows you to delete the file if need be, then upload it again.  

    Just another reason why I am not fond of family tree sites. Ok, so I am grumbling. Sorry, friend, long day.

  4. Er.. by pressing 'spellcheck'. Then of course gense will give you genes which I am sure you meant.

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