
Gense reunited and ancestry, do they both hold the SAME records? or does 1 hold more?

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does one have more than the other? I am a paying member of ancestry but cant find a few things so I am planning on buying credits on gense to see if the records are on there

so do they hold the same? or does 1 have more




  1. The coverage is different between the 2 companies and their transcriptions of the original records is also different - and they will have differing levels of errors. I know from experience that the Ancestry transcriptions of UK census records are quite error prone.

    If your interest is in UK records then before you pay out for these services, take a look at what resources are available for free for the counties that you are interested in.

    For example, the county I am most interested in is Cornwall. Virtually all the 19th century census records have been transcribed and are freely available online - see http://freepages.genealogy.rootsweb.ance...

    There's also a set of Online Parish Clerks for Cornwall who transcribe parish records (baptisms/marriages/burials) and make them available for no charge - see

    A good place to start is

    Good luck with your research.

  2. I have not used genesreunited... so I cannot offer any perspective on what they have.  I can offer viewpoint from years of experience, that it is very likely that any "service" is going to overlap.  IE, one will have what you need one time..but the next time, it will be something else.  One person's experience may be that all of the relatives they need, will be findable in one place/service, but it won't hold true for everyone.

    I am also very vocal on the concept that you will find information in MANY MANY places, some free, some not, some not even classified as strictly genealogy.

    Think genealogy. Most persons translate this to COMPUTER genealogy, instead of knowing that genealogy will be in many offline locations.  When it comes to ancestry, or other websites of that nature, there tends to be a competiveness.  MY approach is that you need to utilize as many different sources as you can find or afford.

    tip.. POST what it is that you are having trouble finding, with specifics re name, time, locality.  Someone here might have access to other sources, that you have not even thought of.

  3. I have used both genes reunited and ancestory ...I have found more on ancestory.....

  4. I think Genes reunited only has information that has been put in by other members, so you could strike lucky, or not.  I don't know about Ancestry.

  5. They hold the same records. All of the records they use are public records, and therefore maintained and collated by the governments of those countries. Ancestry and GR both paid to copy the records to their sites.

  6. there a con don't waste your money.

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