
Gentlemen, If your friend hit on your wife/girlfriend and she refused, would you want her to tell you about it

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Or would you rather not know?

It always seems like girls get the sh*t end of those deals. Thanks!




  1. Yes I would & he wouldn't be my friend for long.

  2. If I was a man and someone who was sapose to be my friend hit on my gf it's on!

  3. I'd rather know.  Although, I admit that I might hope it was a misunderstanding.

    What you mean by hit on could also change my reaction.

    Edit: Yeah, that's pretty disgusting and I probably would go with caving his face in.

  4. Absolutely, wouldn't consider him much of a friend. If I can not trust them I do not want them as my friend.

  5. I would want to know. If you're with someone who is attractive, however, things like this are going to happen, so it's not an event of great moment.

    You might enjoy reading Moliere's play _Tartuffe_ (1664). When Orgon's wife is approached by Tartuffe, Elmire pushes him aside and explains that she will be discreet, that his blandishments are not something she feels it necessary to reveal to Orgon. She takers more or less the line that "The Mrs." in your group of responders does.

    Given Orgon's particular blindnesses, his complete lack of trust in reasonable people and his blind devotion to others less reasonable, one concludes that Elmire is right. The fact that Orgon is not told, then, is his own fault. It does not, to my mind, make for the closest relationship.

  6. I think a whole lot differently.  I've had this happen to me; only I didn't say a word; did with my tongue what he would have done with his fists; gave him a tongue lashing telling him how could he have the audacity to disrespect his best friend like that and that his friend really trusts him. To me that's disrespectful. I'm not going to be the cause of someone else's fight; they want to fight they fight for their own reasons; not because of me; at times we have to be our own hero.

  7. I would wanna know for sure.

  8. I'm not a man, but I'd want to know.

    It lets you know who your friends are eh?

    No matter what happens, so long as you know in your heart you did not bring this on by flirting, you have done nothing wrong.

    If he's mad at you when you tell him, he obviously cares more about his buddy than you, and I doubt that will happen.

    Would you want to know if your girlfriend hit on him?

  9. I'd kick the sh*t out of him. He has broken the trust of the brotherhood.

  10. Yes, so I could punch the sneaky b*****d in the mouth.

  11. s**+*!! i'll want her to tell me so i can be like 'baby...lets have a threesome!'

    edit: what can i say gad, im a slu*! lol

  12. No doubt about it , I'd definitely want to know .

       A real friend would never do that .

  13. Sure I'd want to know what's happening behind my back so I could confront him to his face.

  14. That happened to me once.

    My girlfriend let me know because she thought that I shouldn't trust someone who would s***w me over. He lost a friend, I gained more trust in my girlfriend, and I felt safer that someone out there had my interest at heart.

  15. That is a very sticky situation, and I have unfortunately been in it before. I , naturally, told by husband.( I felt that he needed to be aware that his friend was not loyal, if he would do this to my husband, there was no telling what else he may do.)  He was upset, but not with me. I never gave him a reason to question my faithfulness. I have seen some men handle the situation with more negativity towards their wife, though.  One never knows how such news will affect another person.

    I think a man needs to be told....... It's like having an enemy in the midst.

  16. Yes, I would.

  17. I am sure my husband would rather know about it.  If it happened once, it was not a major thing and nothing was said or mentioned after that, I think I would leave it alone, otherwise I would tell my husband.

  18. I'd want to know so i could kick his ***

  19. I'd want to know so I know not to have this "friend" around anymore.  If she turns him down, I wouldn't hold anything against her.  If she accepts of course we have a serious problem.

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