
Gentlemen, are you ready for the monthly meeting of The Patriarchy?

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I expect to see most of you in St. Louis this weekend for our monthly meeting. We will discuss these uppity women who think they deserve equal rights and what we can do to put a stop to them. We'll discuss how we shall control their sexuality, clothes, and how we'll keep them barefoot and pregnant.

I hope you've also kept some space open the weekend of August 23-24 for next month's meeting in Houston.


Of course, all this is total garbage. But the way some (not a lot, but a noticable percentage) of posters on here apparently think this is the way the world works based on things they post. I had no idea every single thing men do is a conspiracy to keep women down until I read some of the things on this site. I'm glad this has been pointed out to me.

Obviously I know there are men out there who want to control women, but most aren't like that. Those kinds of men usually want to control other men too.




  1. I can understand your frustrations, and it's good to see you using satire to talk through them (unlike a lot of people on here.)

    I think some people just have too much spare time and not enough things to fill it with. Conspiracy nuts; the same people who think that the Zapruder film was faked and there were no planes used in 911! LOL

    Everything is someone else's fault when you can't understand or it's "too hard" to solve something. Apparently communists were to blame for all the evil in the 60’s, witches in the dark ages. Now it seems women are blamed for men’s problems and men are blamed for women’s. It’s funny how no one can take personal responsibility it’s so easy to blame; but in the long run it’s a lot easier to discuss and resolve.

  2. I take it there will be dim lights, nekked chicks and possibly a donkey. :) And tons of blow. HAHAHA

  3. I laughed my socks off!! Opps, that makes me barefoot too. [giggle] Good one Reb!

    Best wishes. ♥ ∞

  4. I know you are just being a bit provocative, but feminists don't think men get together and 'plan' the next patriarchal manouvre. Its just that through many millennia of women being excluded from representation we need a lot of work to redress the balance. Men don't speak for women. Women speak for women. Let us have our say - and not just within a 'feminist' context, but within seats of power.

  5. HA! Nice try, Colonel! But we KNOW the REAL location of your meeting, and we will infiltrate it! We know that it's going to be in Gun Fanatic's mom's basement, next Thursday, and that your REAL topic of discussion will be: voting on a new third level dungeon master, and how to talk to girls when you have to use an inhaler.

    Oh, and don't even think about changing it or canceling it, we know that dsds' mom has already said no more Patriarchy meetings at her house, because Doodlebug spilled kool-aid on the couch last time, and Celtish brought a p**n (you guys were in so much trouble!). And we know that you guys burned down your fort last year after Anatol tried to hold a seance to exorcise all of the "feminist" demons from his television. So where else are you gonna have it?

    We're comin' in (Gun Fan's mom already said it was ok), and we want to be part of the Patriarchy, too!

  6. There are groups like this, and they are very scary. see below.

  7. Look we only keep getting at you men cause we know that you all are harmless for the most part

    if we thought you might fight back, for real, well.........

  8. Remember, women are part of the patriarchy too. You've got to let us in!

  9. Ha ha, lol, thanks for the laugh.  Yes we will have to discuss how to stop our women from bossing us around.  

    Uhmm wait one, yes dear?  Er I was discussing football with the boys...Yikes I gotta go boss is here...

  10. Whats the dress code? Wife beaters as usual?

  11. Lock and load brother! lets bag us some feminists :-D

  12. Most deffinately I will be there! Oh, wait! I am female....Rebbit...can I go?

  13. Men are to lazy to suppress women. It takes a lot of energy to keep someone down. I'd rather play golf.

    Testika, I'm not a member of Promise Keepers, but I think your understanding of this Christian Male oriented group is incorrect. There focus is on developing men of character with a Christian origin.

  14. I will be there, if my wife let's me.

  15. There have been some instances throughout history when there have been several campaigns against women/feminism at or around the same time. I hardly think it was planned that way. It's just a cyclical phenomenon.

    I suppose you chose St. Louis for its large phallic symbol? Clever.

  16. Awww Reb you know how to make me swoon!

  17. I will bring the ammo..........!!

    I think I can drive there from Biloxi.

  18. Interesting.

    Could I just take this opportunity to remind everyone that there will be a guest speaker from the Patriarchy at our next meeting of the Stepford Men's Association.

    Every Tuesday evening at 7.30 as usual.

  19. I'm ready.  Let's load up the treehouse with matchbox cars and comic books.  Then we can hang our "NO GIRLS ALLOWED" sign from the window and talk about cooties.

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