
Gentlemen, with age comes confidence. Yet our looks tend to fade. Is this a cruel joke God plays on us?

by  |  earlier

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I guess one can look at this in a couple different ways. But let.....lem, lemme, lem, lemme.......(you can stop applauding now, but thanks!).

Let me just say that the difference between 32 year old Furry Guy and 19 year old Furry Guy as far as confidence? oh man, i have the confidence of a Grizzly Bear, Great White Shark, and Bengal Tiger all in one!

If only I had this confidence back when I was 19......I would have bedded every woman I came into contact with.

Should I use this confidence to my advantage? or should I just join the likes of the old drunkards at the local bar and talk about Harley's, deer hunting, and Big 12 College Football?




  1. Where the h**l are you getting this from!?  My father is 74 and very handsome and looks like he is 55. He has always been confident in his physical looks and material looks and with his words and actions.  Many men look better as they age.

    Who are you looking at? Yourself?

  2. 32 isn't  old.  Since when did 19 year old men (or more like boys) become the epitome of sexiness? I still think of some 19 year olds as being fresh out of HS.

    If you take care of yourself, you can age gracefully.  Especially if your family has a genetic tendency to look young. Use it to your advantage.

  3. "Looks will fade but dumb is forever".

    -- Judge Judy

  4. Just to boost you up a little bit:

    I think that older men are way better looking than some kid.  And much better all around.  So you have nothing to worry about.  

    Don't use your newfound confidence as an "advantage" or it will come back to you, and someone will s***w your heart over right back.

  5. With experience and knowledge comes confidence- has little to do with age in itself.

    "kindly star this question if you feel i always ask only the most thought provoking, deep questions of the likes of which you have never seen before"

      Silly question- how could you request a star on something like this? Not everyone has just emerged from a rock within the last 3 weeks.

  6. You should be confident. I find that men have a certain s*x appeal that becomes stronger with age.

  7. 32 year old furry guy would be way hotter than 19 year old furry guy.

    I love older man.

    h**l, if you can pick em up, pick em up! Plenty of young ladies like the older, more confident type. in a world full of boys, it's nice to take a tumble with a man every once in a while!

  8. I'm sure a 32 year old furry guy is a lot hotter than a 19 year old furry guy ;)

    Use your confidence for good!

  9. yea I know what you mean. I'm 20 atm and I'm imagining what it would have been like if I had had this confidence when I was 16..

    I reckon get what you can out of it. 32 isn't completely over the hill, though you are getting close (no offence). =D

    btw you could also think of it this way, with age comes wealth (hopefully). That's a double whammy!

  10. Just keep in shape, men look better with age... women on the other hand look scary.

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