
Gentlemen,if a man told u that you have a beautiful&nice wife infront of her as a complement,?

by Guest66878  |  earlier

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what would u feel and what would u do?

ladies ,if a girl told u that you have a beautiful&nice huband infront of him as a complement,what would u feel and what would u do?




  1. id definitely take it as a compliment

  2. A couple of my friends have told me that my husband is very handsome. I did not mind it at all, I was happy to hear them say so, and I joked abt it saying 'wanna share him?" it's cool.

  3. I don't find anything wrong with it. As a matter of fact you should be proud. At the end of the night, who's arms is she in? yours or his?

    If one my friends told me that about my husband (not that I have 1 lol), I'd thank her and just think about it like at the end of the night, his slippers are under my bed, not theirs.

  4. Depends on his other actions, meaning his body language.  You can usually tell what he's after (saying a compliment as part of normal conversation; or hitting on her in code) based on his body language.

    But as a rule, I would take it that he meant only to compliment my wife as part of normal conversation and that it won't be any more than that.  I'd probably respond with an "I know" and then smile at my wife and that'd be the end of it.

    If his appearance is one of hitting on her, I'd probably clear my throat as a code that I know what he is up to and he needs to back off before I'm no longer using "code" and just outright telling him to back off before I kick his ***.

  5. Like Angelo said, I'd take that as a compliment.

    He would feel the same. If he felt otherwise, he wouldn't have been a man for me and I wouldn't have been with him.

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