
Gentlemen: Has feminism destroyed great movies like this one?

by Guest45188  |  earlier

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  1. Where is that p***s. Come out little p***s, come out!


    Is he really wearing something over it? That doesn't make it any less disturbing! OMG - I sure did laugh my *** off though!

  2. My trash needs to be taken out now, thanks.

  3. My Internet connection destroyed this one.  I can't get it to work.

    Based on the comments here, it might be a good thing.

  4. I know I just destroyed some brain cells.

  5. That was scary! and nasty all at the same time! (need a adults only comment)

    please if feminism destroys anything can we please claim that....Please!  there doesnt need to be a sequel!

  6. I definately hope so.   I didn't even watch that entire movie because I just ate alot of mexican food and ....enough said enough watched.  Feminism isn't destroying it....though it has destroyed the rest of the world.  The guy in the video is destroying it.,

  7. Let's hope it does.

  8. wtf??  was that chicken fat?  i hope he got salmonella...

  9. Haha, I was expecting 2g1c or a rickroll, but you let me down.

  10. One can only hope

  11. I'm anti feminist but if feminism destroyed garbage like that then

    I'll give them my support to get rid of other c**p just like it.

  12. wtf? home video of your's?

    and i'm sorry, but was that his p***s? i swear it just looked like a big zit.

    edit: pumpkin? chicken fat? i thought it was egg yoke. either way, i feel nauseated.

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