Notbeing funny but why dont mguys do all the cute things they did for women in the olden days?
I'm all for equallity in sexes cuz lets face it everything a man can do women can do better *wink* (except pee standing up ofcourse) but that doesn't mean we want gentlemenly standers to drop.
Is it just me? becaue i love it when guys open doors for you, or pull out your chair for you, walk you to your front door (even if he drove you home) buy you flowers etc etc etc.
It just seems like now all men are in competition with each other (especially when they go out with their mates) to see how much of a disrecpectful pr*ck they can be! Keep tallys on how many times the score, the more offensive the joke about women the funnier it is?
Why do guys have to do this? (and then complain when they are feeling lonely!!!!)