
Gentlemen? an extinct species?

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Notbeing funny but why dont mguys do all the cute things they did for women in the olden days?

I'm all for equallity in sexes cuz lets face it everything a man can do women can do better *wink* (except pee standing up ofcourse) but that doesn't mean we want gentlemenly standers to drop.

Is it just me? becaue i love it when guys open doors for you, or pull out your chair for you, walk you to your front door (even if he drove you home) buy you flowers etc etc etc.

It just seems like now all men are in competition with each other (especially when they go out with their mates) to see how much of a disrecpectful pr*ck they can be! Keep tallys on how many times the score, the more offensive the joke about women the funnier it is?

Why do guys have to do this? (and then complain when they are feeling lonely!!!!)




  1. Thanks to womens liberation (feminatzis) a gentleman is no longer needed.  Gentlemen, like myself, usually do not get too many girls because we do not push ourselves on female companions.  We can take no for an answer.

    Feminatzis do not want a man to help them, they are incensed when we get the door for them, compliment them on their attire, etc.  We are simply sperm donors.  Some gentlemen have felt the wrath of these women and this makes the rest of us a bit gun  shy about asserting our manners.

    This all comes down to respect for oneself and others.  It is not taught in school, or at home any longer.  The boys you describe were present throughout all time, they are typically jocks, dope heads, etc. and strut around like a peacock to attract a mate.

    The whining is a result of their insecurity, they want to be coddled like a baby boy, instead of taking responsibility for their actions.

    Unfortunately, you have to kiss a few toads to find the prince.

  2. Maybe your looking in all the wrong places? I cant say that all men are like that.

  3. There are still some around, the ungentlemanly ones take center stage though because like you said, it's more popular to be disrespectful.

    I'm like you, I'm all for equality but I still like to be treated like a lady.  I'm not a woman that feels like it's demeaning for a man to treat me as such or for a random guy to call me "sweetie" or "honey" etc.

  4. Half the battle is winning over the heart of the woman that they are after.

    Once caught, there is no longer the thrill of the hunt / chase and we take everything for granted.

    In general, men feel that once we get you, then we don't have to do that stuff anymore.

    Kinda sucks, but true.

  5. I think it really goes both ways, I agree with what you say, but I also feel that ladies aren't ladies anymore either, when I go out Friday/Sat night some of the behaviour, language and drinking, ladettes are a growning culture...  

  6. Sorry, you see, you can't ask for equality and then bemoan the loss that comes with it, that is just silly.

  7. I guess the answer to that is that Ladies are an extinct species as well. It is hard to tell from a different vantage point, but a lot of women act like b**ches, so most men will turn into pricks. And everyone knows that a bi*ch loves to meet a prick while she regards a gentleman as weak and laughable.

    So basically the standard of society just has changed (or degenerated some would say) the past 50 years.

  8. When women got equality we ralised that they are same ghastly human beings as men and who would bother with them?

  9. Because most women these days don't appreciate gentlemen and are actually attracted to the 'disrespectul pr*cks' (ie jerks) whether they want to admit it or not.


    OK well maybe you aren't... but I mean in general.... trust me, most women (maybe not all) find men who are 'nice' boring, and tend to go for the jerks instead....

  10. they weren't taught how to respect a woman while they were growing up. The wonderful "old ways" are dying out. It's sad.

  11. A good question and a serious answer:  these days, when you do do those 'gentlemanly' things - holding doors open, giving up a seat in a crowded train, etc., it often isn't noticed, acknowledged or appreciated.  

    Not necessarily a reason to stop doing it of course, but 'manners' for want of a better word, seem few and far between whatever the s*x - the exception rather than the rule.  

  12. They dont extinct. I have an amazing boyfriend named Joshua. He does everything that girls want in a man. He opens doors, gives you comfert. when you feel alone. He walks u home even if its a couple miles away. He wiashes u good night when he knows he isnt aloud to call. Most men are just being pr*cks because they havent found the one. And one day a girl will change a guy and they get married and blah blah blah. They feel alone but at the same time they tell girls that because its a one way ticket to pantie world. Guys have a really hard time exspressing there feelings. they think its a sign of weekness when really girls just want guys to open up.  

  13. its because most of the time girls are more attracted to those guys. the nicer guys generally tend to be shyer/geekier/etc and girls tend to look right past them. I do all that stuff for my girlfriend as much as possible. and I'll occasionally do it for other friends too.

    generally though, girls don't want to be cared for.  They say they do, and they long for it, but they go after the wrong guys. Bad boys just seem more exciting to you girls.

    the main thing women did to kill chivalry was to put forth equality too much. Dont take that the wrong way, I think everyone deserves the same chances, but there are differences between the two sexes. You can't take the parts you like and drop the rest. feminism killed chivalry.  

  14. they dont care no more, I blame reality TV

  15. Probably because women these days do want equality which means technically women should really do those things to men too!! women like to be pampered and men do too!!!

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