
Gentlemen how would you react to the following?

by Guest63958  |  earlier

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A) Your woman refuses to change her name after marrige if you both decide to get married because that would losing her individuality and becoming your slave.

B) Your woman thinks that you should pay for the house bills and her money is for her to spend as she likes.

C) Your woman says that your children should have her last name instead of yours.




  1. A.  If she doesn't want to change her name, that's fine.  I don't have a problem with that.

    B.  It's OUR house, we BOTH pay for it.  If I'm the only one paying, then I'm charging rent.

    C.  The children are as much mine as they are hers, she can't expect that they get her name anymore than I could expect them to get mine.  The compromise would be that they have both last names.  Smith-Jones instead of just Smith or Jones.

  2. She is Female, i am only male so whatever She says, goes.

  3. A) no proplem

    B) well if she had that attitude i wouldnt have married her, and yea i could see the divorce lawyers coming over the hill

    C) dont really care

  4. a+b+c= all females have that potential ,, so be careful man,,

    -dont let the monster come out to the ground,,

    -make your choices carefully

    -leave feminists alone

  5. A) well this one isnt realy a problem for me, but you can have both of your last names after marrage.

    B) Hmm this one seems to be abit unfair really, usually two people sharing a house would split it half and half, but is she didnt want to then really you can do what you want with the house, like decorating a room the way you want and laying out a room differently.

    C) Well I would compromise and say the children can have both last names instead of just one last name.

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