
Gentlemen what perhaps are the resons for doemstic violence against women?

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We all know domestic violence is equally applicable to both the genders yet if we were to try and analyze the factors behind battered wives and girlfirends what do you think could be the reasons?

The objective of the question is to try and understand why a man who is the protector of a woman and his children could actually become the abuser.




  1. his father might have abused his mother.

    his mother might have abused him

    he might have personality disorder

    as Laura pointed out, the wife might be abusive and play mind games and he snaps with frustration

    as Sarah said it usually comes down to personality disorder and an irrational desire to control

    @ Laura Isobel, as if a marriage is a competition, a mind game to be controlled and won, you sound like an abuser yourself. i don't think putting effort into outwitting your partner is particularly intelligent, it probably only feels like you are more intelligent because he is not even thinking about trying to outwit you, because his mind is on more healthy things.

  2. Sometimes  there are things that may come to a boiling point and you loose sight of what your doing ,and in turn your wife and children pay the price. Also there can be disorder of the mind that brings out the anger in a person, which can happen at any moment. Sometimes people need help to find out the cause of the problem, if they want to get help. It may start out slow but then get worst. Be mindful for you and your children.

  3. Men are not bad. What is bad is people that are controlling and domineering. When people are bullies and domineering and are in an oppressed group, they can't do much damage. When a controlling and domineering person is in a dominent group, that is when damage occurs. Feminism is not about 'men being bad', it is about the power that men had, and what they could do with it (among other things).

    A man  that is an abuser has gotten away with it as he was in the dominant group. Just as white people got away with abusing minorities in their country for so long.

    At the root of all abuse is one thing. The abuser has personal problems and are taking it out on others, either conscioulsy or unconsiouly.

  4. There is never a good reason for violent acts against women . . . or men or children for that matter.  And don't give me that self-defense c**p, either.

  5. Why are people violent against others?

    -Their parents hit their children and the children learned it was appropriate to use violence against those weaker than yourself and those you say you love

    -Their parents hit each other and children learned it was appropriate to hit your partner and those you say you love

    -Some people have poor impulse control and are violent

    -Some people use alcohol and drugs that either lowers their inhibitions or gives them the excuse to become violent

    -Some people are crazy: schizophrenics or psychotic who don't know what they are doing and can become violent

    My father beat the crud out of his kids but not my mother-he thought he owned us and had the right to do whatever he wanted to us-and he did. His parents beat him and he thought it was fine to hit us until he got tired or we passed out. Ah family love-isn't it wonderful?

  6. Women are generally more intelligent than men so if a woman constantly outwits her man or her man is threatened by her or inseccure about himself, he may feel physical violence is the only way to feel he has power.

  7. Its not one often talked about because of the backlash, however, women know how to push buttons too. Im not saying this is the only reason but some women just don't know when to cease their verbal assault, even when the guy attempts to walk away. Guy loses control and lets the backhand fly because he's heard enough. Is that an excuse to hit someone? Absolutely not.

    Often though its the final result not the provocation that law enforcement will react to. So we end up in jail because of VAWA, even if a man doesn't strike her and can be arrested with a mere sentence.

    Ends up being a case of "He Said, She Said".

  8. idiotic immaturity

    mentally / emotionally challenged

  9. It was how they were raised. Their fathers showed them, and their mothers didn't do anything to show them differently.

    The reasons for domestic violence are mainly from two things: money and the inability of both groups from working out their problems.

    Men are more violent because of natural instincts. Rather than use reason and leave when they feel the need to be violent, they don't and take out on who ever is close by, usually the spouse or the partner.

  10. Excuse me? But, you are asking gentlemen why domestic violence occurs???!!! I was not aware that gentlemen undersrtand violence! I always thought gentlemen abhor violence! It must be my feeble feminine mind!

  11. It boils down to problems with rage and the women being an easy outlet to release it.  Usually these guys have been down a hard road, when they get close to someone emotionally they feel most comfortable showing this rage to their partner.  On many occasions, these men do not have many "real" friends, they put on an excellent front and no one really knows the real them.  The rage can be caused by childhood experiences, a mental disorder, the list goes on.  Very unfortunate.

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