
Gentlemen: what would the police do if you asked them to arrest your wife because she..?

by  |  earlier

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.... did any of the following?

a) Refused to sleep with you

b) Was constantly critical, or often phoned you to check where you were

c) Called you a rude name

d) You were afraid she might hurt you?

Please include in your answer the sentence you think your wife would be given for each of the above crimes.




  1. I can certainly understand why your wife would refuse to sleep with you.

  2. they would do nothing they may file a domestic disturbance if she actually hit you. you need to go see a marriage counciler fast i mean like tomorrow none of the reasons you listed are crimes in america

  3. They wouldnt, because she didnt do anything illegal. Thats usualy what police are for. Try marriage counseling.

  4. If I had a wife and I called the police for any of those things,I would get arrested for complating about her and for being a man.

  5. They'd laugh at me or arrest ME one, depending on the circumstances.

  6. They'd probably have me charged and arrested for a,b and/or c, for making prank calls to the police. Those are not crimes, but calling the emergency police line for frivolous reasons is a crime.

    Option d would depend on context. You could get a restraining order if she had made a death threat. You'd only call the police if she was directly attacking you (or else they wouldn't do anything, unless laughing at you counts as a response)... If they caught her in the act, they would take her into custody, assuming you wished to press charges.

  7. Nothing. There arent laws that protect men from these "male only offenses". At best they will move HER to a different location with 7 * facilities. I would be lucky if I even get away without being called a wife-beater.

  8. Why would you call the police about any of these things?

  9. None, but they might be looking at you and wondering which cave you came out of! There hasn't been any violation of the law yet! Unless calling you a rude name fitted the question you asked!

  10. Separate or divorce, it's not a police matter unless there is domestic violence.

  11. a is not an issue; everyone, including men, sometimes finds themselves not in the mood for it.  (It's different if she's attempting to use withholding s*x as a means of manipulation - then it becomes a marriage counseling issue like b and c.)

    b, and c are marriage counseling issues.

    d is a serious concern, provided that your wife is capable of posing a physical threat to you.  If she had a history of domestic violence or had actually carried out her threats, the police might intervene.

  12. If you're afraid your wife might hurt you you should get the heck away from her. Maybe consider a restraining order.

    Nothing else you asked about has any legal bearing.

  13. I agree with Dan. This is more of a counseling issue. However if you are afraid she might hurt you, and you're the male they will probaly ask you to leave before there is a dispute. Police just try to keep things calm. On the other hand see a attorney. A wife is suppose to be a best friend and none of these things are any of that. Life is too short and you should be happy. Good Luck!

  14. a) feel bad for you

    b) say "that's what wives are for"

    c) say "get over it"

    d) laugh at you and call you a p***y

  15. fu*k knows

  16. They would arrest you for being such a p*$$y.

  17. Sorry I am not a man but I have to answer this question.

    If you went to the police and told them these things they would probably laugh. I have never heard of anyone being arrested for calling their husband a rude name. If so I would be in jail very often.

    Second, they are only going to maybe tell you to leave if you are actually afraid she might hurt you.

    Third, if you have these problems there is probably good reason.

  18. Why don't you guys just role play and you arrest her and tell her that she's been a bad bad girl!!

    Time for a spanking!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  19. At best, have a fantastic laugh.

    At worst, come to my home, put me in a dress, and beat me down with their billy clubs.

    Okay, exaggeration on the at worst, but the at best is pretty accurate.

    By the way, guys, we can all be arrested for these things, as thay are "emotional abuse."  If our spouse has chosen to divorce us over this "emotional abuse" a restraining order will be placed on us.  We will lose custody battles, and she will tell our children that their daddy abandoned them.

  20. don't call the police you will get arested

  21. I'd think it was ridiculous. None of those are realistic crimes and if I felt threatened, I would have already left.

  22. um im not a man but the police would probably take her 2 a mental hospital or the both of u 2 counciling y don't u divorce but try 2 work it out first and tell her how u feel

  23. Arrest? Thats silly... Just divorce her. The police would probably just laugh at you.

  24. a,b,c,d--- nothing as none of above is against the law.

  25. Good question.  We would be laughed at.  She would be given no sentence.  I can't believe that about India...and the UK?  I always think the feminazis are just in America...

    I wonder how much the media is behind this?

  26. d

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