
Genuine Fortune Tellers?

by  |  earlier

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Does anyone know of any really good genuine fortune tellers in the republic of ireland, mainly around the clare, kerry, limerick or cork areas? i will be around there for a while soon and would like to get my fortune told. thanks




  1. Check your local newspapers.!!!

  2. don't waste your money and time! these so-called fortune tellers can't tell their own fortune!

  3. The only genuine fortune teller is God, and you can only speak to him through chance.

    That's why we invented the runes.

    We pray first asking God a question, then cast the lots and recieve the answer.

    Don't worry if you're a Christian either, it's still fine to cast lots.

    Casting lots in mentioned 77 times in the bible, cool number huh...

  4. no... there is no genuine that real!!!

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