
Genuine or just persistent?

by  |  earlier

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this guy who im great friends with and who i really like and likes me too is confusing me sooo much!! when we first met we both wanted to be together but we decided that we lived too far away from each other and with exams coming up decided it wouldnt work, i was very disappointed at the time. since then we've been the best of friends and are studying in the same college department this coming year. hes the type of guy that would rarely if ever share his feelings but he has told me how much he liked me and that he regretted letting me go. hes also said things to me like "i dunno, theres something about you, iv never felt like this". sometimes he can be so sweet and other times not so much, i think its just his way of not being too soppy, what you think?

i also have a boyfriend which i know, under the circumstances i shouldnt be feeling like this about someone else, but i just cant help it:( my boyfriend is really sweet and hes someone i can really trust and confide in, hes a really great friend but thats all i think. we've fought on occasions over the other guy but iv insisted theres nothing going on, which of course there isnt, i would never cheat, but it always ends with us both crying. i just know he'll be heartbroken if we were to break up and thats not something i want to do to him.

the other guy is making me so jealous recently, he talks to alot of girls on bebo and is always very flirty, it eats at me when he does it. he changed his relationship status one day too and i decided to leave it for a while and then ask him, so i did and he said he did it just to see if id noticed or if i cared. i really like him, but i really like my boyfriend too im just not sure in what way.

please someone give me some advice




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