I'm in Sydney, Aus. I compile tree fossils and like to hear where any are. Please give URLs of pics or info, or contact me to discuss, john.mail "at" ozemail.com.au - I am looking for anyone who might MIRROR any of my webpages on such. Mirroring can be a valuable precaution against loss. An example of a currently mirrored page is at http://www.uow.edu.au/~morgan/forest.htm (joint cooperation with Michael Organ, Wollongong Uni). If you contact me I shall point you to other URLs which outline what I know already and highlight gaps still to be researched. One of the reputed locations which has proven impossible to find info for, and claims to have the largest fossil tree ever found is near Coaldale, Nevada [i.e. "The largest tree yet discovered is also a sequoia - 14 feet, not the greatest diameter, but the trunk can be traced to 295 feet. Weight may be 500 tons. It rests prone, partly covered by desert sand in the Emerald Formation of Southwest Nevada near Coaldale."] ~ John.