
Geography/History <span title="Question--Ukraine/Russia/Poland?">Question--Ukraine/Russia/...</span>

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My grandfather always used to tell me he emigrated from Russia, and that's what his immigration papers say. The town he lived in was called Khmil'nyk and is located at 49.557240°N, 27.955990°E, currently in Ukraine.

The limited resources I've been able to find suggest that the area was under the control of either Russia, Ukraine or Poland around the time my grandfather left (1901). Can anyone tell me what country or countries (if it changed hands) controlled this specific area from 1880-1901?





  1. At the time your grandfather left Russia , that town was in the Russian Empire . Ukraine was never an independent nation before 1991 when the Soviet Union fell . Before World War II , Poland&#039;s borders were just west of that town , making it part of the Soviet Union . It has never changed hands , but in a way it has . Explanation : Until 1917 , It was part of the Russian Empire which was a monarchy , In 1917 or 1922 Russia became the Soviet Union which was a communist state , In 1991 the Soviet Union fell and 15 countries became independent , Ukraine being one of those countries .

  2. Your grandfather&#039;s records are correct.From 1880 --1901, it was part of Russia; so, your grandfather&#039;s  immigration papers were accurate. Of course, the land and town had been part of various domains and countries through the centuries. Here are some interesting bits of information about the town. (note: some of the language of this article from Wikipedia was obviously translated from the Russian or Ukrainian, so just bear with them):

    &quot;Khmilnyk (Ukrainian: Хмільник, Russian: Хмельник, Polish: Chmielnik) is a resort town in Vinnytsia Oblast, Ukraine. It is located at around 49°32′60″N, 27°58′0″ECoordinates: 49°32′60″N, 27°58′0″E. The population is 27,900 (2001).

    The town is situated in the upper part of the river Southern Buh, 67 km (42 mi) to the north east from Vinnytsia. It is one of the oldest towns of Podillia.


    In 1434 Khmilnyk was handled to Poland, it became the center of Khmilnyk district of Podillia province. After the town got the Magdeburg rights in 1448, different crafts and trade began to develop, sewing and tailor shops opened. Poland considered Khmilnyk to be advanced post of its possessions, so the town was strengthened. In 1534 Polish king ordered to fortify the town with stone wall with towers and castle.


    In 1672-1699 Khmilnyk was possessed by the Turks. They fortified the castle, built a mosque, made secret passages. Endless battles between Turks and Poles resulted in decay of crafts and trade, the town became inhabited.

    In 1699 Khmilnyk again became the part of Poland. In 1774 the king presented Khmilnyk province to his nephew Ponyatovsky.


    In 1793 Khmilnyk with Podillya towns was joined to Russia Empire. After the formation of Bratslav province May 22, 1795, Khmilnyk became one of its district towns. January 22, 1796 coat of arms (silver tower on blue field) was consolidated for it. In 1797 Catharine II presented Khmilnyk and its districts with the population of 6070 people to Count Bezborodko.

    June 9, 1804 Khmilnyk became the part of Lityn district of Podillia province and remained in such position until the October Revolution. Till 1910 four Orthodox churches were built there. With industrial development the town population grew and in 1915 Khmilnyk already had 18,3 thousand people. In 1878 a weaving mill was founded, till 1905 brewery,sawmill and cast-iron foundry began to work. Among 1616 craftsmen there were 470 sewers, 250 tailors and 230 furriers. At the beginning of the XXth century Khmilnyk had undergone changes in some spheres of social life. Economical decay of 1907-1910 was changed by some economic revivals. In 1911 here worked 22 enterprises, 67 different workshops dealing with processing products of cattle-breeding, woodwork, metal. There were many craftsmen that worked alone. For example there were 1800 tailors, during World War I they fulfilled special orders for army and sewed 1800 boots per week.

    In the 20s of the XXth century Soviet authorities are settled in Khmilnyk. In such way begins a new period of opressions and chase after Ukrainian intelligence. Churches were closed down. But in 30s a new page in the history of Khmilnyk began - it became resort.


    Khmilnyk remembers devastations of World War II. In the middle of June 1941 the front came close to Khmilnyk, and on July 16, the German army captured the town.

    February 18, 1944 after the battle near Korsun-Shevchenkivsky, the First Ukrainian front got the task known as the Proskuriv-Chernivtsi operation. It was decisive for liberation of the town and whole district. In the morning of March 10, soldiers of 71st and 276th divisions captured the left part of Khmilnyk and settlemets Mazurivka and Sydoryha. After violent fights on March 18, 1944 the town and district were liberated from German invaders.

    Jewish population of the occupied town was exposed to unbelievably violent genocide. On two bloody Fridays (January 9 and 16, 1942) German divisions killed more than 8 thousand of defenseless town inhabitants. In Khmilnyk a total of 11760 innocent victims were shot to death. July 18, 2002 in Khmilnyk Sorrow Memorial was opened.&quot;


    If you would like to read the complete history of Khmilnyk (the common spelling of the name today), you can go to Wikipedia:  &quot;Khmilnyk &quot;

    Good luck with your research about your family. I have visited the Ukraine, and the country today is proud of its independence; the people are very friendly, and will be happy to help you with tracing your family, if the records still exist; But realize that many records have been destroyed in the wars and revolutions since your grandfather&#039;s time.

    Best wishes.

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