
Geography Questions- help pls!?

by Guest64215  |  earlier

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I have these questions for Geography and I need a bit of help.

1- Why do you think the United Nations proclaimed 1993 as the International Year of the World's Indigenous People and 1995-2004 as the International Decade of the Worlds Indigenous People?

2- Explain why land rights struggles and conflict over land use are geographical issues.

Thank you in advance!




  1. 1a.The Marshall Islands were the location of United States nuclear weapons tests. The natives say they were exposed to radiation and chronicled the rise in birth defects, cancer rates and other illnesses related to radiation poisoning. The native inhabitants of these islands were in the process of negotiating reparations settlements with the United States in 1993.


    The Year 1993 was requested by indigenous organizations and is the result of their efforts to secure their cultural integrity and status into the twenty-first century.

    1b.  Taking note of the recommendation of the World Conference on Human Rights, held at Vienna from 14 to 25 June 1993, that an international decade of the world's indigenous people should be proclaimed.

    2.  Land use affects everyone because land use crosses property lines.  Take water for example.  A lot of industries have to have a tremendous amount of water to operate.  Say The Empire Chemical Corporation locates a plant not far from the source of the Ivory River.  300 miles and three states downstream a water study is done and the findings indicate dangerous levels of pollutants in the water.

    The Ivory River serves as drinking water for 500,000 households.  Empire says it wasn't polluting the water.  They blame the contaminated water on excessive fertilizer use by farmers that seeps into the Ivory River.  Empire now wants to expand their operation and buy 1000 acres of valuable farmland.

    Also, Iraq and Iran started an 8 year war over water rights to the Shat Al-Arab.  Most wars are fought over land, and land use issues.

  2. Max is correct!

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