1. Water pollution in the U.S. and Canada is caused by...
a. acid rain
b. runoff from agricultural economy
c. industrial wastes
d. all of the above
2. Canada and the U.S. are .... largest trading partners.
a. Europe's
b. Germany's
c. each other's
d. Japan's
3. In 2001, traces of ... in mail raised safety concerns in the U.S.
a. anthrax
b. arsenic
c. radiation
d. pollen
4. Clear-cutting causes flooding and ...
a. smog
b. acid rain
c. thermal pollution
d. erosion
5. Which of the following result from acid rain?
a. destruction of forests and increase of fish populations
b. corrosion of buildings and increas of fish populations
c. corrosion of buildings and destruction of forests
d. destruction of forests, increase of fish populations, and corrosion of buildings
6. Since the 1970s, the U.S. and Canada have reduced ... around Lake Erie
a. unregulated boat traffic
b. overgrowth of destructive algae
c. noise pollution
d. illegal immigration