
Geography help please!?

by  |  earlier

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define maritime and continental temperature patterns and describe the reasons for these patterns.




  1. mar·i·time  

    mar·i·time [márrə tm]


    1.  shipping of the sea: relating to the sea, shipping, sailing in ships, or living and working at sea  

    2.  close to the sea: situated or living close to the sea  

    3.  meteorology influenced by the sea: influenced by the sea, and therefore generally temperate and with relatively small variations in seasonal temperatures  

    continental temperature patterns are affected by many variables. obviously being near an ocean,mountains, deserts, etc. I could go on forever explaining myself. I think you need to be more specific like what continent . Nature is a freaky thing and although we believe we know it all nature never ceases to surprise us. I think this global warming thing may be just the world's way of ridding itself of all these horrid pollutants we've emitted over the years.

  2. maritime would be the temperature pattern of a ocean area caused by winds(jet stream) in the atmosphere but mainly of water currents

    continental would be the patterns over large land masses (north America)and the movement of hot,cold,moist,dry air masses(jet steam)and the effects they have and create weather

  3. too bad idk!!!

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