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why is the birth rate so high in LEDCs(less economicaly developed countrys)???

why is the birth rate so low in MEDCs( more economicaly developed countrys)???

why is the death rate so high in LEDC??




  1. Well a sarcastic way of looking at it..."what else is there for them to do?, they do not have the  funds to be doing something other then copulating ,

    and for us ? we don't have the time for copulating and we know that education costs a lifetime of credit dues .and working takes all our energies and time .

    They don't have the means$$$to  have access to medical services so too much infantile deaths..

  2. Education, education, education.

    Infant mortality is high in poor countries, so to some extent they need a higher birth rate.

    There is a myth that lack of contraception is a problem. It isn't true except in a few catholic countries.

    Poor countries coincide with geographical problems.  Extreme weather,  disease,  political instability,  will keep  productivity low and death rates high.

    In warm and wet climates it is difficult to control parasitic diseases. Malaria alone kills millions and incapacitates even more.

    There can economic advantage in poor families having more children.  Children are often seen as wage earners, so there is a desire to have lots of them.

  3. The birth rate is high in LEDCs because there is limited access to contraception and family planning.

    (It is nothing to do with how much they like or dislike s*x.)

    The birth rate is low in MEDCs because there is more family planning advice available, contraception is easier to get hold of, and is usually free.

    The death rate is high in LEDCs as there is less medical equipment to treat people when they become ill.

    There is also a higher number of people per doctor.

    And, medicines are expensive; people living in LEDCs cannot afford to buy medicines regularly.

  4. 1) LEDCs have limited education on familly planning and have limited access to contraception . Also sexual discussion seen as 'taboo' in many LEDCs meaning they rarely talk about it or even think about discussing it. Women also need their children to earn money so they generally have more to get enough money to feed everyone, and they have a high infant mortality rate so in theory they would have more children so there is a higher chance of at least one child surviving.

    2) In MEDCs people have access to healthcare, education, contraception etc. so baaasically they can have s*x without getting pregnant and having kids. Also, women are seen as equal to men in MEDCs more than in LEDCs and women go out and get jobs and stuff before starting a family.

    3) Bad sanitary conditions, disease, lack of healthcare / support, poverty etc.

  5. what the other peeps said

  6. taking socioeconomic factors into account

    The larger the family the more income the household can generate in poorer countries.

    condoms are expensive and little or no s*x education in developing countries due to s*x being a tabo subject.

    In third world countries, families rightfully/wrongly will hope for a baby boy as a child - due to income reasons.  so if they have a daughter, they will try again for a son.

  7. Birth rate is high in LEDCs as they don't have access to, or education about contraception. They also practise s*x from a younger age in many LEDCs, particularly men who think sleeping with a virgin will cure HIV/AIDS, and this means that contraception is not possible.

    It's low in MEDCs as contraception is readily available and people are taught how to use it effectively. Abortions are also available.

    Death rate is high in LEDCs as no medical care is available to them, so diseases etc go untreated, leading to premature death. In MEDCs good healthcare is available to prevent this.

  8. LEDCs Birthrate is high because the death rate is so high due to war, disease, etc.

    MEDCS Birthrate is low because they tend to be more educated and plan thier families.

  9. Education Education Education ( sorry above ) find boyfriend then oops a daisy , marry then more oopsa daisy , resulting in poverty which results in more childbirth . Also the vicious circle is accepted as a way of life .

    Consumer society greed greed want goods new car , house etc. so children are expensive therefore no kids. Also control over childbirth pill , coil , condoms , educated society so ought to understand responsibility of kids and their future .

    poor hygiene , water of  poor quality , food limited , diet is not good , mothers may suffer malnutrition  so breast feed not good , drought , famine still happening , political instability resulting in war  .

    come on you know , buck up .
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