
George Bush and d**k Cheney encouraged McClellan to change his story about the CIA leak, is this impeachable?

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Would congress even bother to try and impeach President Bush and Cheney now? Or will more damaging evidence have to come out?




  1. Congress should be impeached for dereliction of duty...starting with Kucinich for wasting time and money.

  2. Its so funny that story

    "I don't think and I don't know" are his comments about the leak , so basically JUST HIS OPINION!!!

    You impeachment wackos need to go back into the closet!

  3. Sorry smoking gun here....You're stuck with President Bush until next January....Enjoy it while you can...Mr. Obama will be Carter 2.0

  4. Too little too late. Perhaps in a court room in the near future.

  5. McClellan is a liar, all the air america people told me so. if he was a liar then, he is a liar now.

  6. wake up and smell the impeachment coffee. the house has already introduced articles of impeachment and it has been turned over to the judiciary committee for action. And yes, inciting propaganda over the truth is a breach of public trust and it needs to be answered for.

  7. Prove it!

  8. I believe some of the more liberal members of the distinguished body that is the House of Representatives have submitted articles of impeachment, several times, against President Bush and Vice President d**k Cheney.  Each time it has gotten nowhere.  While it is true the current articles submitted by Rep. Kucinich have been sent to the House Judiciary Committee, this is simply a stalling tactic.  The articles are 99.9% certain to die in Committee.  

    I don't think Congress would try and impeach Bush and Cheney.  As low as their approval ratings are, Congress' is even lower, and it would be seen by most Americans, I believe as trumped-up political haymaking on the eve of an election.  As far as more damaging evidence coming out, you still have to prove that not only did they do what you are claiming, but that what they did qualifies as "treason, bribery, or other high crimes and misdemeanors" as provided in the Constitution.

    I'm a Republican, but if you can prove they actually committed such crimes, I'll gladly back impeachment.  Until then, shut ya face.

  9. The CIA leak that you are referring to was not a leak.  She was not undercover at the her name was not required to be classified.  Besides, it was not Cheney, Bush, or Libby who leaked the name to the media.

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