
George Bush did coke at 25 and didn't get caught, that is a felony. ?

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why can't I get a free pass from my felony? Is it because I'm not rich? lol

What is up with this scarlet letter. Geroge W. Bush admitted to a felony.




  1. so, you can go in public and yell I did coke all you want but you wont get introuble unless you have it on you.  I dont understand what your asking do you really believe that you would get arrested for admitting to doing coke.  

  2. Admit to committing any crime you want. It is up to the police to find the evidence and the D.A. to charge you. Just saying you did something like that isn't going to get you convicted. Even if someone walked in and said they committed a murder the police will try to get details that weren't given to the papers.  

  3.   Who the he!! cares, He'll be out of office soon and you won't have anyone to blame the worlds problems on.. Go back to watching Sponge Bob..

  4. Like you said- he didn't get caught.

  5. Bush never admitted to cocaine use.  

  6. Hardly. Read up on the law. Think about what you've done that went unnoticed. If we were able to be charged for what we did and didn't caught doing, we'd all be in prison.

    And while you're at it, read Obama's "memoir" about his use of marijuana and cocaine.

  7. I want to see the PROOF!!

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