
George Bush says Russia is using bullying and intimidation tactics, but isnt he doing the same things?

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Over here in the UK the clip we are repeatedly shown on the news is of George Bush saying something along the lines of, Russia is using bullying and intimidation tactics which are unnacceptable in this day and age.

How can he say that with a straight face? How is the west trying to stop Iran going nuclear? Whether it is necessary(I think it is) or not is not the point, it is being done through intimidation and bullying.




  1. Iraq was a result of 12years of Iraqi agression, and not to mention the UN resolutions and the approval from congress.....Iraq knew what was coming as well as the rest of the world.  

  2. Iran has express the will to nuke US allies......and if they get nuclear weapons they will be a threat Georgia however is no threat to Russian.....

  3. Bush is a fuckinnnn Idiot... Obama better win this shitttt in nov.

  4. Georgia is a US puppet state...Georgia started this whole fiasco over there...they are the aggressors.  I pray the rest of the world just ignores Bush like we who are sane over here in the states do.  Don't worry...January is almost here and change will happen...but...on the slight chance we stupidly elect McCain into there room for one more over there?  I will be packing my bags.

  5. Finally a smart person on yahoo, Thank You, oh and yes

  6. The difference between the two situations USA/Iran & Russia/Georgia is that in the former, Iran is the supposed aggressor (ie attempting to make arms) and the US is using bullying to prevent it. Whereas in the later (and I will admit, I am illinformed about the conflict), Russia is both the aggressor and the bully, and blantantly attacking another soverign nation state.

    ===Honestly, how do you give this answer a thumbsdown? Some jackass liberal giving anyone who says anything that slightly deters from his own perspective a hands down, despite my answer being expressed objectively...

  7. Bush is a complete moron. We attacked and invaded two countries. One with somewhat justification and another with zero justification.

    Russian people in a breakaway zone from the dictator in Georgia were attacked by Georgia and Russia went in to protect its people. Now that isn't a hundred percent accurate with the oil pipeline, but it certainly is far better justification than the bush was able to offer up.

    As far as Iran I could care less if they have nuclear power plants or nukes. Chances are they aren't going to use them. Look at Pakistan, they have them and have extremist there and haven't used them.

  8. No one has attacked Iran. No one has illegally inhabited parts of Iran. No one is killing their citizens.

  9. I didn't have a problem with Bush at first but now... OMG! Can't even look at the man.

    He needs to butt out of what Russia is doing... No matter what that country waited until the guy was out of town, then attacked and whatever the way it was prior it has been this other way for a while so wy all of a sudden a problem?

    I don't agree with a lot Bush is doing these days. But don't look for anything much better with the future choices.

  10. yup

  11. I had a similar argument at work this week. George  Bush condemns the Chinese because they punish dissidents of Communism but he in fact punishes dissidents of Democracy.

  12. Bush got a taste of his own medicine. It was bitter, that's why he's spewing garbage.

  13. Bush committed war crimes outright.  Russia tried to protect civilians against aggression.

      Check out this article

  14. Bush has been lying to us with a straight face for eight years now.  The whole Iraq thing was a lie and he knew it.  A vote for Mcain is a vote for the same thing.  VOTE DEMOCRAT NOW!!!!!

  15. ok..the difference is that Russia is wanting to restore the old empire. so they kill thousands of innocent civilians in a foreign country and want to throw over a sovreign government...that is what bullying is...the u.s. is no where near that now

  16. yes he is.

    do as he says not as he does.

  17. yes he is doing the same thing

  18. HE IS.

    We're taking over other countries for NO REASON too.

  19. Because Russia is wrong in what there doing and George Bush is not.

  20. bush is the dumbest and worst president ever and i think he's racist..

  21. Kool-Aid Drinker!

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