
George Clooney is an American citizen-how is it that he can make Italy his home? He considers Lake Como his?

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home, owns a villa there, etc. So, how does an American citizen that is not married to an Italian allowed to do that? I ask because I want to move to Italy and was told it is not possible.




  1. American can buy houses almost away in the world. that doesnt effect your citizenship. Remember Clooney has money thats how most people like that can do things that normal americans can not do. I know that when you buy a house in another country and work /live in another country it can effect you taxes when you fill them in the US so you may want to ask some questions to the IRS before you do it to see if it worth it. The big issue that I see is moraging a house. I sure Clooney paid for his uprigth which helps the problem.

  2. Anyone with sufficient provable income to meet ot exceed the requirements of a foreign country can usually get a residence visa there.  If you need to WORK there and do not have an inderpendent , provable monthly income, you cannot qualify for a residence visa.  That is why most foreign residents in many countries are either wealthy or retired with pensions, or both.

  3. You don't have to be a citizen of a country (in most places, though I an't speak for all of them) to own property there.  Thousands and thousands of non-citizens live in the US and own land/houses here.  

    So he owns a home there.  It doesn't impact his American citizenship.  He doesn't get stripped of that when he buys a house in another country.

  4. You don't have to be Italian to own property in Italy. His status as a Hollywood bigwig certainly helps with the red tape. Just like in the US,  his celebrity status will help push through paperwork more quickly than if I was doing it and he's got the cash to make anything happen.

    Several years ago George had a French girlfriend. I guarantee he had connections that got her visa approved in a snap because he's a celeb. If you fell in love on vacation you'd be bogged down in paperwork for at least 6 mo trying to bring your girl to the US!

  5. Some italians have a indefinitely permit to stay in US probably he has the same for Italy rich people can get anything...

  6. George Clooney is a clever he lives in Italy 'cause it's a very beautiful country :)!!!Johnny Depp should do the same thing...I'd like him to live in Italy!!!

  7. The same way that Johnny Depp considers France his home.  He just moved there and lives there primarily.

  8. Probably because he does not work in Italy, so does not pay the taxes from working.   You can invest(buy a house) anywhere.  

      To be a citizen of that country is a different matter.  And I didn't read in your question that he wants to become Italian.

  9. "Money makes the world go round"... and has let Clooney buy his villa on the lake. You want to move to Italy then you either have the bucks or be so famous that the local (Italian) authorities like to have you around to be seen with you.

    Punto & basta.

  10. All the above answers are correct with an exception.  Most foreign countries require you to have a visa to stay more than 6 months. Famous people  are often treated differently,although they still have to do paperwork, but they bring much dinero to that country so they are more sought after than us the common man,

  11. Geore Clooney is going out with all the Como Girls


  12. How? He has ton of money. Lots of Japanese and Chinese own NY city properties. I would love to move to Italy myself when I'm rich. hehehehe..

    My sister is French citizen. She moved to the US 10 years ago. She bought a house in Freemont and later moved to San Jose. She became US citizen after 5 years living here. She moved back to Aix-ex-Provence 2 years ago. She has dual citizenship.

    Lots of Americans are living all over the world.

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