
George Sampson in the news is claimed to possibly become disabbled for his dancin?

by  |  earlier

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George Sampson is a very nice boy, very good looking and very talented. but i was devestated to here that a boy like that my age might become diaslbled i think it was for his dancing. does ayone actually know the story about that please? im confused.. :S




  1. The docs have apparently said "stop dancing or you'll die/be crippled for life" but he's carrying on dancing anyway. If that's true, then he's an idiot and his parents are even bigger idiots for letting him.

  2. I dont know the full story..just what ive heard from hes got a very rare back disease which is uncommon for his age and the docters said if he carries on dancing he could be crippled for life, but hes going to carry on dancing.

  3. He has Sherman's disease (or Scheurman's). It is a curvature of the spine in people who grow too fast. It happens around age 15 (he's 14) and lasts for 2 years and corrects itself (if you are lucky). He was supposed to stop dancing or he will be crippled. He wans't supposed to enter the contest becuase the doctor told him not to, but he did it anyway. He just really wanted to do this for his mum. He has a lot of pain in his back and blindness in his one eye for 2 months (not a good sign). Maybe if he would stop jumping on his back, he wouldn't be in so much pain. Yes, if he doesn't stop dancing, he will be crippled and it doesn't look good right now (sad to say). I think that you can get surgery to correct it. Well, good luck to him. I hope that all goes well.

    Hope this helped.

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