
George W. Bush. Can people please tell me why everyone hates him?

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I hate Bush because everyone one else in my family/town does. I am 13. Can people explain to me in not huge words why he is so terrible.

I am only aware that he won't pull out of Iraq.






  1. No crimes committed ,no laws broken,no lies ever said!!! Bush is a saint.   Hold on to that illusion and let no one tell you otherwise your to young to worry anything...chow f.p

  2. has destroyed our constitution and is a moron who doesn't know how to spend money.  He also should be in jail for crimes against humanity

  3. People always hate what they do not understand.  The world is a large and ongoing scene.  This man put his neck on the line to protect his country from not only immediate threats but future threats therefor, he s not understood and hated.

  4. Because he is stupid and screwed too many lives around world.

  5. Bush’s order to the National Security Agency to conduct warrantless spying on Americans. They didn’t object or publicly expose this blatant violation of the Foreign Intelligence Surveillance Act and the Fourth Amendment.

  6. Bless your heart.  It warms my heart that there is a 13-year old who asks a question and states it in a simple way.  Keep your mind open and your heart good.  Some questions, you just have to find the answer yourself....but try not to let hatred into your young heart.  I don't know how we can heal the country, if we can't find common ground and a way to care for each other, no matter what political party.  I hear people plead for peace in our land, and they are unable to have peace and love in their families.  You will hear answers from a lot of different view points.  I am sure that your teachers are teaching you to be a critical thinker.  You will need these skills in your lifetime.  

    Some questions will best be answered by history.  Abraham Lincoln was despised by many when he was alive.  I was a little girl when Truman was president.  He was not popular, and my family didn't like I didn't like him.  History is kinder to him now, than when he lived.  I wish for you a long, long lifetime, and I pray that we will have strong leaders to keep you safe.

  7. My big issue is that he sold this country out on immigration and the "North American Union."   Cloaked in Christianity he told lie after lie.

  8. Most people hate him for the same reasons you do.   They don't have a clue except what they hear.   Oh-he's unpopular; I dont like him either".

    Your best bet is to read the most unbiased information you can on him and make up your own mind.     Here is an article that isn't really biased on way or the other:

  9. well their is evidence that he had something to do with 911. he lied about weapons of mass destruction in Iraq. he has ruined the economy. that's just some of the things . many more

  10. Bush did not lie about Iraq and WMD. Liberals rewrite history to suite their needs.

    On the day Bill Clinton was impeached they all (the Dems) stood on the Whitehouse steps and proclaimed Saddam and his WMD to be the greatest threat to America and the world.

    Just do a google news search for IRAQ and WMD and filter the results for the 1990's.

    "In Clinton's State of the Union Address, Clinton warned Congress of Iraqi dictator Saddam Hussein's pursuit of nuclear weapons:“ Together we must also confront the new hazards of chemical and biological weapons, and the outlaw states, terrorists and organized criminals seeking to acquire them. Saddam Hussein has spent the better part of this decade, and much of his nation's wealth, not on providing for the Iraqi people, but on developing nuclear, chemical and biological weapons and the missiles to deliver them. The United Nations weapons inspectors have done a truly remarkable job, finding and destroying more of Iraq's arsenal than was destroyed during the entire gulf war. Now, Saddam Hussein wants to stop them from completing their mission. I know I speak for everyone in this chamber, Republicans and Democrats, when I say to Saddam Hussein, "You cannot defy the will of the world," and when I say to him, "You have used weapons of mass destruction before; we are determined to deny you the capacity to use them again."

    Ask any hippie on the street who crapped in his pants and he'll shout Bush did it!!!

  11. Apart from being responsible for the deaths of thousands of people?  

  12. Kid, Under the republicans you will have no American dream.

    One day you'll finally understand that you have been the victim of terrorists. The Republicans.

  13. As President he is responsible that the unemployment rate is the worst it has been in 17 years.

    And for the economy which is in the worse state it has been in your entire lifetime.

    He basically lied so that VP Cheney & the Big Oil Men could get into Iraq. This war has taken hundreds of thousands of lives so far and has cost trillions in unbudgeted taxpayer dollars. Payback will take two generations.

    He refuses to intervene in the genocide in Darfur. Thousands more are being killed by the government there weekly in ethnic cleansing. This is the basis for the crimes against humanity charges.

  14. You have to be told??? How about starting a war on a pack of lies? How about ratting on a CIA operative? Sheesh!

  15. He lied, he corrupted the Bill of Rights by setting up a surveillance agency which under the guise of catching terrorists now spies on Americans, and he has bankrupted the country ( a big recession is in the works) putting us  9 trillion or so dollars into debt to such countries as China and Saudi Arabia and he is considered a torturer by all the countries that signed the Geneva convention outlawing water boarding.  

    Shame, shame, shame on you Baby bush !You are a disgrace to the human race!

  16. I hate to admit this, but as a registered Republican, he has really put the US in a bad economic situation.  Remember the 1970's under the Carter administration and stagflation?  Reagan came in and got the US out of the economic down turn by increasing government spending.  We had the highest economic prosperity in the past 50 years.  However, Reagan created a large national deficit which Bush Sr inherited and Clinton tried to fix by increasing taxes and reducing government spending.  Unfortunately, I think the next President is in a lose-lose situation.  The US is about ready to go into a recession with high inflation but the next Prez cannot bail us out by increasing spending.  WHy?  Bush Jr. did that for us by creating a high budget deficit by decreasing taxes along with government over spending billions on the Iraq war.

    I don't care who gets in office.  Obama or McCain are totally hosed.

    Even if we stop the Iraq tomorrow, the US economy is still in big trouble

  17. The first reason is that Democrats wanted to

    win the election so badly, but didn't. They then

    said they'd be against everything he was for,

    and Democrats have done just that. It has been

    tough for Bush when Democrats never intended

    to be friendly or co-operative even on issues

    that are so important to US all. They still carry

    that losing chip on their shoulder, and have

    decided to "hate" Bush (which tells us something about Democrats). The news media

    has always been pro-Democrat, so they have

    fostered that hate. Bush had nothing to do with

    911 (which shows you how far liberals will go

    to even blame this patriotic president for that);

    he did not lie about WMD (even Bill Clinton said

    Iraq had them and I heard Saddam packed

    them away in passenger planes and sent them

    to Syria so he wouldn't be caught with them);

    the economy is down but certainly not a reces-

    sion (today's folk have no idea how terrible a

    recession is, and we are not in one at this time);

    Bush is a decent family man who loves this

    Nation (whereas Obama's wife has admitted she

    has not been proud to be an American); Bush is

    not any richer than Biden, Clinton, or Obama;

    Bush only made the Patriot Act because we are

    being threatened by terrorists which doesn't

    include listening in on normal citizens conversa-

    tions; and water boarding is not torture but just

    a means of scaring a prisioner so they will talk

    and give out information we ask about terrorists.

    Bush has been a good and decent president....

    maybe not as good as Reagan, but he loves

    America and he has paid numerous visits to our

    troops overseas who seem to like him a lot. He

    has not made any citizen go to war, they have

    all volunteered and sometimes they volunteer

    to go back again. You now have a side different

    than your family/town and you can see that he is

    not so terrible. I would be proud to have him and

    his lovely wife to my house for dinner.

  18. No president in history has done more to disgrace not just himself, but this country than George W. Bush.

    He is power hungry and only cares about his own interests which is money, money, and power.

    Here is a link to look at... I know its wikipedia... but its a good starting point to all of the missteps, controversies and lies courtesy of the Bush administration.

    Good luck!

    - - - - - - - -

    Human rights abuses... Abu Ghraib prison scandal. Guantanamo Bay. He approves of torturing prisoners and denying these prisoners any right to a lawyer or even a phone call home. It is the law - Habeus Corpus - that any prisoner being held be allowed this right. He denies this right. He green-lighted waterboarding prisoners and by doing so he is going  against treaties agreed on by THE WORLD.

    - - - - - - - -

    On 9/11... he ignored the warnings. He had briefings everyday warning of attackes, but he blew them off. Then when they happened, he sat in his chair for 7 minutes and did nothing. That is like staring at the wall while your house is on fire.

    -  9/11 Commision

  19. People hate him because they blindly believe the liberal media which tells them to hate him.  He is not a bad President or a bad man, but people are too easily influenced by others opinions, you are a perfect example of that.

  20. Haha...good question! Here's a 101 canadian point of view: I think that president Bush has the iq of a lawn mower and because of that, he's leading the country like a complete ***. --> putting the US in debts like there's no tomorrow (war in iraq for instance), creating a bad reputation for the country / making americans look like fools for having elected him.

  21. i think the people that hate him r hippocrites i mean wen 911 happened eeryones like h**l yea lets go kick *** in iraq but now they dont wanna finish the job wtf? like if ur gonna start sumthing then finish it! i really honestly dont understand either our country is going through hard times rite now but we cant blame our leader for that hes jus trying to make everything good in our nation its not his fault that he has to deal with all the problems we have now he didnt create the problems hes just trying to deal with em and help our country the best he can so im sorry if im not a bush hater but i honestly dont kno wats so wrong with what hes done and thats my honest opinion......oh and im 15 and i have opinions and kno where ur coming from i live in a place where most ppl dont approve of bushbut amongst this u have to learn to have ur own opinions

  22. Hello Liv, Let me say, I am very impressed, that at your young age, you care enough about what is going on to ask this question at all! At your age, this makes you a young intellectual Hard-Thinker, and you are very rare indeed! Now on to the Answer.

          George W. Bush is nothing more or less than a Traitor to Democracy. He and his criminals in his Cabinet have taken away freedoms, from the people of this great nation, that will never be given back! Your life will be harder, than mine was, because you will  be growing up in "Bushes Amerika", and we will all be poorer for it! I miss spelled America on purpose, because our Beautiful Country will never be the same, Ever! Sorry, but that's why Everybody who cares, hates the guy! And make no mistake, everybody in your family and town, cares very much, about you and wants you to have every advantage, right and freedom they had, and are very upset that "W" has taken that from you! Good Luck! and God Bless you!

  23. You got a lot of great answers, and I hope mine isn't the worst, but the best answer comes from Abraham Lincoln who (probably) said, "You can fool some of the people all of the time, and all of the people some of the time, but you can not fool all of the people all of the time."

    We all want our new president to do well, and who would expect 9/11 to be on any of their watches? But, then, after a while, young men were being killed because they didn't have the proper armor;"Mission Accomplished" was neither, and a G.I. Joe suit didn't make it so; Iraqi prisoners, some very bad guys and not bad guys were forced to pile naked atop one another while pictures were being taken later of them with female GIs who were forcing involuntary erections; the wrong people were being wiretapped (unheard of); then, the attorney general's sanction of torture; this silly man, our president, talked about, after one meeting with the former KGB chief, looking into his eyes and seeing his soul, I think, and  . . . whatever, something good or honest. I forget. And so on.

    We don't like--some of us even "hate"--George Bush because he just didn't have it. He wasn't curious, he let himself be led by the kind of men who, in other times and, definitely, other places, create big problems for people like you and me. He wasn't presidential material, and never would be.

    Both these guys, McCain and Obama, appear to be up to the job, in very, very different ways. We'll see. But Bush is among those half-dozen or so presidents that we're simply terrible as presidents. He's actually in good company here and there. For example, both John Quincy Adams and--God knows--James Madison were unsurpassed in their best areas, but not good as presidents. Of course, through many books, I knew Adams and Madison. Many nights and early mornings, they were friends of mind. And, I'll tell you, George Bush is no John Quincy Adams and, without any doubt, no James Madison.

    I just read what I wrote--not a huge word among them.

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