
George W. Bush the hero by Steven Freeling?

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George W. Bush the hero by Steven Freeling

My hero, George W. Bush, once said after September 11th, 2001, "In our grief and anger we have found our mission and our moment." George W. Bush is our United States President today, but his mission to help America began long before September 11th, 2001. My hero was born on July 6th, 1946 in New Haven, Connecticut, and grew up in Midland and Houston, Texas. Today he lives in Washington, D.C. in the White House.

In 1968 George W. Bush received a Bachelor's Degree from Yale. Then in 1975, President Bush got a Master's Degree in Business Administration from Harvard Business School. He became an F-102 fighter pilot for the Texas Air National Guard. In 1989, he purchased the Texas Rangers Baseball Team.




  1. what planet are you living on?

  2. You statements have been posted on the the UK and Ireland site.

    And the question you want the people of the UK and Ireland to answer is....?

    Actually don't bother to answer that just sod off.

  3. I do not agree with it.

    I think that George Walker Bush is the worst president of the United States' history.

    So long!

  4. Not very deep.

  5. LOL

    what is wrong with him?

  6. Is this some kind of parody?

    "God sent us a great man to be president of the United States. His name is George W Bush. He will be remembered in the future as one of the greatest presidents ever."

    In your dreams, buddy.

  7. George (Wanker) Bush, the Offspring of Adolf Hitler.

    Or: From, Egypt to n**i Germany To n**i America.:

    How the Rotschilds Deceived the World.

    Or: Frome Jesus Christ to Hitler:

    How Jewish n***s built an Empire of Death.

    Or: Deception through Lodges.

    How Freemasons built a n**i Empire.

    Or: The SS connection of George W(anker) Bush

    Skull and boneS the Alpha and Omega.

    Or: Yale University

    The Garden of Poison Ivy.

    Or: My Braindead SonofaBitch

    by George Bush.

    Or 9/11 The day's I saw the Towers fall by Evelyn Rotschild

    Or: Goyim we all Kill you by the Jews.

    Ot How Jews created n**i Germany.

    by Sataniel Rotschild.

    Singed By Yah Bul On

    The Perverter of the Truth


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