
George Washington and John Adams?

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Can anyone help with this : "the era of the young republic saw a number of successes and failures, what were those successes from Washington to John Adams, what were the failures during the same time period.if you were the president what would you have done to correct those failures, be specific and give concrete examples" Thanks




  1. Every single president has had failures but in Washington's case he had no predecessors to learn from so he did an amazing job overall.

  2. Successes:

    1) Washington nationalized the states' debts which was one way of consolidating and legitimizing the central government (under the new Constitution)

    2) Washington put down the Whiskey Rebellion, a direct attack upon consolidating and legitimizing the central government

    3) Washington voluntarily surrendered his office at the end of two terms...a VERY novel concept in late 18th Century political thinking...and allowed John Adams to be elected.


    1) The XYZ Affair---Francophiles in the American government (read Thomas Jefferson) almost let the French undermine the new USA

    2) The Alien and Sedition Acts---almost created a dictatorship

    These are but a couple of instances.  Just read

  3. Washington never asked for the opinions of his vice president and never consulted him on anything.  Maybe George W. Bush should have not allowed his vice president to make decisions on anything.  We probably won't be in Iraq today.

  4. Failure:  Whiskey Rebellion

  5. You should probably read a book.

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