
George foreman of 1972 vs larry holmes 1980 who would win?

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George foreman of 1972 vs larry holmes 1980 who would win?




  1. holmes wins either on points or 10th to 12th round stoppage.

  2. Forman-72 was green as a cucumber.  In 73 he was slightly better and even better in 74.   He scored a lot of early KO's but against "B-rate" opposition.  Frazier was tough but never very smart.  He made Forman LOOK great.  ALI was VERY smart and made a Better Forman look like a fool.

    George might have become a better fighter by 77 had he not lost to ALI.  That fight took A LOT out of George, psychologically more than physically.  

    Holmes wouldn't make Forman miss as easily as did ALI.  He didn't have the head movement Ali had.  He had that odd way of warding off looping punches.  He held his guard up high and extended his arms to lessen the effect of power punches.  It didn't always look good but it was very effective.  

    Larry also didn't launch his punches as quickly as ALI did.  However, when he did Land them, they had much more power.  George might get a few in against Larry.  He would certainly hurt him, maybe even score a knockdown.  That's only a slim chance.  For all his power, George never learned to USE it well.  He didn't always punch correctly.  He certainly would not keep Larry down.    

    While avoiding many of George's punches,  Larry would land many of his own.  It wouldn't be hard for Larry to hit George.  Two things to take into consideration:

    As hard as he punches, George CAN be hurt.

    Anyone Holmes can hit Cleanly WILL be hurt.

    In round 4, while trying to land the BIG one,  Forman is caught flush on the jaw with a right.  He has already began to slow down at this point.  George staggers and is caught on the side of the head with another hard right.  He goes down.  He's not badly hurt but he's off balance.  He rises and beats the count but only because it's near the end of the round.  

    One thing about Holmes, he never rushed to KO an opponent.  He would take his time and pick you apart.  This is what he's doing to Forman.  Though George was hurt at the end of round 4 he's still dangerous.  He won the 3rd because Holmes wasn't very active.  He doesn't win much from this point.

    Rounds 5 and 6 are spent with Holmes "putting money in the bank'' with the jab while watching Forman's punch out-put decline.  He jars Forman with a few stiff rights but spends much of the two rounds "getting him drunk'' with the jab.  

    In round 7: Forman misses with a wild right.  Larry lands a BIG right to the head.  Forman tries to fight back but catches another big right to the jaw.  Left, right, right.  George goes down again.  This time he's hurt.  He beats the count again.  George has a heart the size of Texas but his ''Gas tank", unfortunately, is about the size of Delaware.  

    George is against the ropes for the first time in his career.  He's taking a LOT of punishment and Holmes is scoring at will.  The referee steps in.  Fight's over.

    Holmes by TKO in 7

  3. george foreman 1972

  4. I'll always take a top level boxer vs. a big puncher.  Back then George was just an plodding banger, that big jab and haymakers for 15 min.

    Holmes was one of the greatest technicians in heavyweight history, and maybe the best boxer-puncher in the divisions history.  

    His jab would get their first and have George attempting to counter or somehow get to him first.  Holmes would circle jab and pop until Foreman's legs went; Larry had the chin to sustain the shots that would land few and far between.

    Holmes by KO in round 9 or 10.

  5. Foreman beats up on Holmes.  Foreman win by KO in 4 rounds

  6. This could go either way.  Holmes could take a punch better than Norton. But could he take a foreman uppercut? But then Foreman lost to Ali and Young because he was outboxed by faster fighters. Holmes was fast and had the best jab ever. If he gets past round 5 he easily wins this one. Getting to round 5 may not be easy though. My pick is Holmes TKO in round 12 or 13. I love big George and the change of personality he made before his comeback was amazing. Great Grill too!!

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