
Georgia Bigfoot is a hoax!Since we all know it's a hoax, can the guyswho found "it" be charged?10 POINTS!!!?

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Most of us all knew it was fake to begin with. This was released by Tom Biscardi's team today to Fox News today, since they were given an invite to view the autopsy of "the body".,2933,406101,00.html

Does this mean that the guys who did this hoax could face real charges? I am just curious!

I am really surprised that one of the guys is a police officer and would put his job in jeopardy like that. Do you think he will lose his job now?

Thanks for replies!




  1. Actually yes, they can be charge with fraud, only since they were charging people to see the photographs, had they just kept it to a news media event no they would not have been able to really be charge.  Just before and alittle after the news conference, they placed on their site opportunity to see all the photos for a fee, this open the door for them to be charged with fraud.  Once it was determined that they could be charged with fraud, the immediately took this off the site, however, it's was too late, they had already committed fraud.  I believe the police officer has already been relieved of duty during the investigation into this fraud.  Although he was already off on paid leave for a injury he received in the line of duty.  Evidently now he is trying to claim the pain medication made him come up with this stupid idea, and now has gotten a lawyer to defend him and his friend.


    The kingpin hoaxer of the "Georgia bigfoot body" will, thankfully, never be taken seriously by the press ever again. But today he's making another ludicrous attempt to regain the media spotlight.

    After he was publicly busted and humiliated in 2005 for a different version of a bigfoot body hoax, he claimed he was "hoodwinked" by some bad people who had deceived him (all the while he was raking in money from a phony pay-per-view "surveillance" project).

    As of today, August 20, 2008, he and his gang of charlatans (Searching For Bigfoot, Inc.) are trying to get on Fox News again, this time to declare they were "hoodwinked" again ... Biscardi now claims he is "planning to take legal action against Whitton and Dyer" in a futile attempt to forestall legal action against himself, by prosecutors, for fraud.

    Our humble plea to Fox News and CNN: Please do not put this man back on live television

    unless it is in the context of him being arrested for this scam.

    Since no one fell for any of his big foot scams, its unlikely he will go to jail.

  3. I have been watching the news and I have not heard that this big foot was a fake... So what news programs are you watching that told you that this biig-foot was faked...................

  4. i hope so,because they did make some money on this so it's a scam.they sold hats and tee-shirts.ect.

  5. no, unfortunately you can't be convicted for being a moron.

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