
Georgia Lottery scam?

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Did you know that half of the ticket money goes to other entities like roads EDUCATION or hospitals? In this case, it would be education. Why is that lottery for profit? Can't it just be made by and for the people? I mean even if you win they take a big piece of the cake throu what they call tax.




  1. Every one SHOULD have known that. It isn't a secret nor a scam!

  2. What is the question?

  3. It's not a scam. It is a regressive tax that you voluntarily contribute to.

  4. Running a lottery is like running any other business: people have to get paid to do it.  There ain't no such thing as a free lunch.

  5. mosgtlotteries go to a general fund which means the state gets to spend it on what they want. there are people that work for the lottery commision that have to get paid.  if you dont like it dont play

  6. The lottery is just a way of taking money from the people who can least afford it. Look at the lines standing to buy the tickets or scratch offs. It is just another fleecing that is going on under our noses.
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