
Georgia & Russia war. witch side are you on?

by Guest10925  |  earlier

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We all know the war started with Georgia attacking Ossetia. So its basically attacking Russia, since Ossetia did infact escape Georgia to be part of Russia. So Georgia is the aggressor here. And yeah, Georgia did have enough already but i guess Russia really is like a bear, you wake it up, steal its food, or threaten its cubs, it'll attack you till your a bloody pulp. so im more or russia's side, though they should give it a rest.

But i wanna know what the majority of you think. thanks.




  1. Neither side out ever a small group of people tried to become a part of russia.

  2. I am neutral, or is it neutered.

  3. It's not about choosing one side. Wars are never desirable. But I do think that Russia in this case took the right step as Georgia overreached and relied heavily on American Support.

    It feels so good to see America so hopeless and the fact that they can do nothing.  

  4. I'm on the side of the Ossetians.

    Georgia attacked them, and then the Ossetians got some help. I'm also a bit on the Russian side I suppose.

    I'm for the Russians showing the Georgians not to mess with them, but against them driving into Tblisi. (They said they're not going to, but they did roll plenty of tanks into Gori)

  5. the true facts are that ossettia, has tried to secede from georgia without the ok from the parliament, resulting in strife between the govt and the secessioners, much as happened with our civil war, only russia or rather vladimir putin has interfered by invading on the premise, of genocide by the georgian govt, which are denied by the georgian govt, truth be known putin has taken a page out of adolf hitlers book

  6. georgias side its a tiny country who  would not want to start a war country big as russia commen sence osetia and apkhazia is INSIDE georgia its georgian city;s sochi also used to georgia but russia stole it if georgians want a civil war let them have a civil war its their countryyy.

  7. I'm on Russia side because first blood is on Saakashvili

  8. I dunno about the Russians, but the Atlanta Falcons rule! They're a really great team.

  9. Honestly I'm not on a side. But I think that if your country is threatened, attacked even, wouldn't you want to fight? It's better than letting the enemy come to you only to wreak chaos to your once peaceful countryside. However, civilian casualties are almost unavoidable and therefore it comes with a price. But if the battle ends at least somewhat soon, I think it'll calm down a bit. Hopefully they can agree to something.....

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