
Georgia/Russian Conflict Who do you support?

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I support Georgia because of many reasons I have acquired. First of all S Ossetia is part of Georgia and the Russians actually gave Ossetians Russian passports. This is exactly what Adolf Hitler did to invade Poland and Czecoslovakia. It was also Russia's former president V. Putin who once said that the greatest trajedy of the 20th century was when the Soviet Union broke up. Look at Russias history, it is full of bloodshed and horrible things. Russia attacked Georgia and bombed civilian spots and places which would cut off the capitals economy and also the airport. It is obvious that Russia wants S. Ossetia for itself and the only people who support Russia are mainly Russians(I researched it)




  1. Do you know what we promised russia about NATO?

    Do you know who funds and trains Georgias military?

    Do you know who educated, and installed Georgias current president?

    Do you know who Georgias current president rounded up not too long ago?

    Do you know what country borders Georgia?

    How many russians have georgians killed in self defense?


    Do you know what US president (probably a favorite of yours) supported a break off territory of serbia? And bombed about 100,000 civilians in the process? Why not support THIS break off territory?

    I do not support either. I am for freedom & liberty, and that is something only the countries involved can take care of (look what 10,000 angry iraqis did to the strongest military in the world) If civilians want to change the corse, they can - given they are not disarmed. Interventionism does nothing but create bigger problems at OUR expense.

    This is obviously an agitation initiated by our politicians, to create the option for a broader war - which the politicians benefit endlessly from.

    Your heart is in the right place, but politicians wars are too complex for us to get dragged into. The media we see is filtered 20 times before we get its sterilized and most likely inverted version.

  2. georgia, russia wants to return to a super power

  3. georgia.South Ossetia doesn't even exist,it was made up by Russia to steal Georgian territory.That region was full of Georgians before 1991 but they were forced to leave by it is not really a secessionist region,actually it's russia trying to extend its territory

  4. Georgia.  You can't blame for attacking S. Ossetian terrorists.

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