
Georgia and Russia War

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I know little about this war but who is the right one? who started this? are they going to make U.S. get involved aswell?




  1. Supposedly the Russians started this by sending a missile into Georgia.  I guess it's been common practice for the Russians  to sneak into Georgia which obviously concerned them.  I don't know if the US will get involved, as it could just be another example of the Korean or Vietnam wars.  But of course history can repeat itself.

  2. Every little war has a big consequence, hope this doesn't start WW 3

    What started WW 1? Austria Hungary and Bosnia Serbs? Sounds familiar!!??!!

  3. after thinking about this a little while longer, it almost seems like a trap to get the US involved.  Georgia and Russia may just be trying to sucker the US into doing something.  this in turn give russia an opening to attack the US since we tried to help georgia.  the more u think about this, the more dangerous and scary it gets.  hold your breath that the right choices are made and nothing instigates a global war.    

  4. A pro-Russian part of Georgia is trying to break away from Georgia and join Russia.  It is within the country of Georgia.  Russia sent troops to fight the Georgian troops who were sent to fight the rebels.  Russia actually attacked inside the nation of Georgia.  Legally Russia is wrong unless or until Georgia commits human rights violations on the rebels.  Even then all Russia could legally do is appeal to the UN.  

    I doubt if the United States will get involved other then diplomatically.  The European Union might though since allot of the oil the Union uses pumps through Georgia.

  5. I dont know if there really is a right or wrong in this.

    Same old story though-two sides fighting over disputed land.

    I really doubt if it will go far, probably in about a week they will have a cease fire.

    Both sides are somewhat our allies, although Georgia had become quite closer to America over the years. But i really dont see the United States getting physically involved in this.  

  6. the battle started in georgian territory, and was against secessionists, some of whom were of russian descent. The russians actually backed the rebels and invaded georgia. It will be settled in mediation.we are allies of the georgian republic, so will sue for a cease fire.

  7. I hope USA will not get involved in another war it has no business meddling in first place.

  8. Georgia is right.  Putin is a b****** warmongerer.  He claims  that the town he bombed in georgia was a "threat" to his peoples safety but this is a lie.  Georgia is a very small and harmless country


    Russia is excersing US Preemptive Strikes to deal with National Security.

  10. You all are not right, cause your don't know, what happens in South Osetia. Sorry for my english, it not the main thing now. Georgian government attack the peaceful people in this country, and they attack russians Peace-making forces. It is not a war against Georgia and Russia, it is Georgian terroristic aggression against peace.

    This conflict started by Georgia, and Georgian president Saakashvili is guilty of this.

  11. Russia is the agressor they are attacking Gerorgia over the S.O. provance because they want independance and Russia says they are doing it to liberate the people of SO but this is total bull so a provance want independance were does Russia get off invading another country.....the Abkhazia provance ibn Russia wants independance does that give us the right to invade Russia to give it to them? Russia is way out of line a bunch of warmongers they have been waiting for the moment to make a play fopr power and they seized it I say the EU US and NATO put Russia in its place....
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