
Georgia and Russia are they really serious?

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is this war (fight) serious?

Are we going into some type of World War 3? (God Forbid)




  1. Its serious alright. My advice would be to stay out of it unless we want a nuclear war with a super super power.

  2. Yes, it is serious.

    Many, many wars have started this very same way and only time will tell what comes of this one.

  3. Yeah, they're like totally killing each other.  It's like a real war.  Like what Hitler did, for serious.  no.

  4. Well I would venture to say its a little more serious than laser tag...

  5. I don't really think this is actually escalate into a war between Russia and Georgia. South Osettia (the "province" the fighting is in) declared independence in 1992, and the same thing happened, but recieved little attention. Both Georgian and Russian miltary are on the surface, trying to stop South Osettia from becoming an independant state.

  6. yeah looks like there serious. Russia is moving tanks down south to support there peace keepers

    i don't think its going to escalate to world war 3 it would have to be a pretty sad state of affairs for something like that to happen. it will probably be an isolated incident.

    if larger powers do support Georgia eg America  against Russia it will probably be indirectly, just like the cold war all over again

  7. i would like to hope this doesn't escalate further - although this is a serious contravention on human rights. one shouldn't condone this at all of course

    at this point, the media is focussed on the olympics, and the financial markets are focussing on the price of oil dropping.. so mass media is not stirring the general public into pushing for action

    in theory the US may be obliged to make a comment, but as there is probably not the same financial incentives as per Iraq, this could be argued about in a UN-led auditorium for a few years...

    remember Chechnya... there's still tensions, but nothing further escalated from that

    ps read this article for a better understanding of the politics:

  8. Your right God Forbid, unfortunately Russia has made it a real war.

  9. Well Georgia was a former Soviet state so who knows

  10. See if the articles on InfoWars for the real story behind all of that.

  11. Unfortunately we will never see a cold war again. I believe this feud will blow over soon. The real problem is Israel and its neighbors. The Reason the cold war times were so great is that there weren't hundreds of little post-Soviet countries with reliable weapons.  

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