
Georgia and Russia conflict info??

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Hey there! What makes south ossetia so important? basically, i just want to know what all the fuss is about? why are they really fighting for? South ossetia is real small, i dont understand. please, some one?




  1. See the stories below.

  2. Fight is for the territory which belongs to Georgia and RUSSIA tries to occupy it with imaginary goal to help Ossetians.

    Region is small but political aims are big... Georgia will never agree on this and will always fight until it's under control of georgian government, but it needs a great support for it.

  3. After Soviet Union collapsed (1991) Russia has ben trying to rebuilt it again, thus enlarging Russians power ower the world.

    Georgia was "good country enough" to start a war with, zs it has 2 conflict zones, both of them are Backed by Russians, so Russianms started with South Ossetia and provoked a war against GEorgias , it was the best chance for Russia to occupy Georgia, coz they know Georgia and Ukraine will enter NATO soon and it will ruin Russians plan to gain the lost control over the countries

    simple as that

  4. Okay, first let me give you some background info. Back in the 1940s-1950s and on until the early 1990s, Russia was known as the USSR or the Soviet Union. Their government was basically imperialist and communist, and after World War II, countries like Georgia, Ukraine, Belarus, Armenia, Kazakhastan, Poland, and half of Germany, (then known as East Germany), were occupied by the Russians and controlled by the Russians. There were a lot of countries that Russia had control over that I haven't listed, but there were a lot. In other words, Eastern Europe was under control of Russia. This continued until the early 1990s when the Soviet Union collapsed and lost all of its territories, like Georgia. They all declared their independence and seperated from Russia. Fast forward to 2008. Russia is now invading Georgia because two provinces in Georgia want to seperate and become apart of Russia, South Ossetia and Abkhazia. Georgia wouldn't let them seperate and attacked South Ossetia. This made Russia furious so Russia invaded to "protect South Ossetia and Abkhazia" but didn't stop in the provinces and instead has pushed all the way into Georgia. As of now, Georgia has obviously lost, and Russian convoys, tanks, planes, ships and ground troops are occupying vital Georgian towns and cities. The Georgian president signed a cease-fire today, but Russian troops have moved all the way to Georgia's capital and have stopped 28 miles outside of it. One of Russia's top generals have stated that they want the president of Georgia to step down and resign. The Western world and America can't do anything really because Russia is a nuclear power and therefore dangerous. Georgia is now basically being occupied by Russia. Whether they leave or not is not certain. They could very well overthrow the current government that's in power and take over Georgia, making it apart of Russia once again. But no one knows if that's their intent or not. And not to worry you further, but this is just beginning. Ukraine, another previous Russian territory has declared that it won't allow Russian warships to dock in its harbors after what Russia has done to Georgia, which may very well provoke an invasion from Russia. Another country, Poland, which had also once been under Russian control, has authorized the United States to set up an anti-missile defense system in it's territory, which is infuriating Russia. Just yesterday Russia declared that if Poland goes through with this, they will attack Poland as well. This is stuff that has already happened before 50-60 years ago, Russia could very well be flexing its muscles and trying to recreate its old empire, thus reestablisheing it as a militaristic world power like the United States, meaning we won't be the only ones calling the shots anymore. Now, Russia may very well not invade anyone else, they may have threatened to, but only time will tell if they go through with it. Basically we have entered into another "Cold War". If you don't know what that was, then you can look it up. Hope this made sense and answered your question. Peace!

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